About Me

Dr. J. (James) Alva Scruggs received a B. S. degree in Chemistry from Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, M. S. in Chemistry from Southern Connecticut State University, M. A./ Degree in Urban Studies from Occidental College, and a Doctorate in Education Administration from the University of Massachusetts.

Monday, January 31, 2011


(WRITTEN 2010)

Egypt's citizens riot against the evils of it’s Dictator, Hosni Mubarak! This is another sad mark in the 20 year history of an American policy that has gone bad . . . . Finally.

The present of the strong role that America's corporations have on making “Foreign Policy,” placed Egypt's dictator in power many years ago. This was strictly a business decision to keep and strengthen a foothold in the oil rich area of the Arab nations. America, in coordination with Israel, gave Israel a solid position in this area at the continuing investment of billions of dollars in Israel and a war against Egypt. The Egyptians people had been forced to accept a dictator parading under the banner of being elected president/dictator. (Dan Murphy, Joe Biden says Egypt's Mubarak no dictator, he shouldn't step down and wonders what the Egyptian protesters want,Christain Science Monitor, January 27, 2011) The elections were set and conducted under the influence of America! America had bought and paid for two peculiar Ally and made a new nation in the mean time. Someone must tell the truth here because only the truth can set America free.

Now that the chickens have come home to roast, this charade has been exposed as another disaster for a nation and its people. America now has the difficult task of deciding whom to support and to admit that this is a dictatorship and that they are responsible for this policy. America must support the citizens that are calling for a true democracy and again show its common two-faced world attitude!!

But Obama has a more comprehensive and pervasive problem in foreign policy agreements. There are so many foreign policies that exist that were made by private industry strictly for profit reasons. How does Obama clean up the problem these agreements will soon bring? The Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea, Vietnam, Nigeria, Cuba, Somalia, China, any place where there is an Oil possibility, etc., situations are all made on the inherently bad policies of cooperate influences. The magnitude of these problems comes with a multitude of vested interest and ready-made powerful enemies! This is the task that no mortal man/person can solve right readily! Even the Rothschild cartels/financial octopus will not sit still for Obama’s interference in these matters!

Obama has about 484 treaties on the books/enforce with the influence of corporate America tagging along. Despite what Obama says (1/2011), America’s policies do not support democracy for all people (Sarah Carr, American ambivalence in Egypt, 1/27/2011)

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD

Look Forward to Your Comments


Frankly Speaking Blogs; http://franklyspeaking.info


Saturday, January 29, 2011


(WRITTEN 2010)


Obama’s State of The Union comprehensively covered most of the ups and downs of America's institutions today. It is clear that in America, if all five of our institutions, which include Family, Religion, Education, Economics, and Politics, are not functioning well, the progress we must expect is not easily achieved.

Of course today America's super powerful institution of Economics/Capitalism has created a destabilizing effect that has threatened to bring down all other institutions. However, there is a common factor that runs through all institutions that can make them good or bad for the common good.

Capitalism is an economic system in which the leades/CEO’s, means of production are privately owned and operated for a private profit. Decisions regarding supply, demand, price, distribution, and investments are made by private actors strictly for the bottom line, profits. To be most effective or most profitable, Capitalism must be totally Amoral. Greedy and owe no Loyalty to a nation or country!!

Since capitalism is the economic system of America, it cannot be run only for the profits of a few. It must be run for the benefit of the many! It mist be required to have some degree of loyalty to nation, morality and ethics. Corporations in America have moved the means of making a living out of the country, which is both an act of disloyalty and does great harm to the general population!! The fact is that 1% of the population has 90% of the wealth and all other institutions are, to a great extent bought and owned by the institution of Capitalism. This includes the institution of Religion! Thereby, comes the today's dirty words of regulations or guides that the Governed must have for their economic institution.

If any institution does not have as a foundation the ingredients of ethics and morals, the ends of their actions will inevitably be a disaster for the greater good, humans.

Therefore, the institution of Religion has a primary role to play in making sure that the “good stays good” and the “bad turns good.” Classically Religion tend to derive morality, ethics, religious laws or a preferred lifestyle from their ideas about the cosmos and human nature. All Institutions of a civilized society must exist for the welfare of its general population and at the least do no harm!

More over, our economic system has been functioning absent the foundation and practice of ethics, profoundly Amoral and are Greedy. It is a “Pure Capitalism System.” This has culminated in the corruption of all other institutions, including Religion to a great extent! Considering that a really good, successful, CEO is the Greediest, most Amoral, disloyal to a country, person, why would Americans vote for one to be the leader of our nation???

For example, the solution to the problem of the earth having a finite recourses and numbers of human beings having an infinite possibility; this issue is probably one that the institution of Religion can address the best! But it is seen that World Capitalist has its own plan for the solution of population at this very time. In their meetings the control of population is a matter of resource control.

Solutions form the money makers will come in the form of genocide, starvation, localizing areas of population extermination, resource environmental pollution. Etc. The solutions must and should have the human consideration of more ethical and moral/humane character.

Hitler and his economic system had their solutions. It included a general Holocaust, selective breeding, harvester of human organs from the targeted subclasses (i. e. eyes, livers, hearts, kidneys, blood and blood products, skin, veins, bones, etc), Feticide, starvation, euthanasia, etc. all were absent of any acceptable levels of Religious or moral and ethical considerations. These solutions will not be outside of the those our economic institution will consider or use! It is called by the clever name of “collateral damage” at the present time!

Of course the solutions pursued by Religion will not be without the facing (Ministering-up, Maning-up, Mother Grizzlying-up) the profound and agonizing issues of what Religions will determine its role in population planning/control to be.

If there is too many bleeding hearts that are too “heavenly bound” there will be no “earthly solutions” fourth coming. But this is the road that will recapture America’s institutions and make them of, by, and for the good of it’s people!

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD

Look Forward to Your Comments


Frankly Speaking Blogs; http://franklyspeaking.info


Wednesday, January 19, 2011


(WRITTEN 2011)

Figure 1112 Republican House

It was a great Red Letter day when TV cameras were allowed on the floor of our Government bodies. However, the live images of our representatives resulted in a most remarkable thing. Instead of showing out duly elected officials doing the real business of the people's government, very large numbers of our leaders are profiling and talking to the cameras

How many time do we see our legislators approaching the podium, leaning against the podium, hands in a gesturing position and talking the most ignorant, illogical, misleading message of fear, and emotion of all times! Our fellow American leaders white hair all silky white, wearing their Eagle Brand suits, blue eyeing staring at you as if they were the messengers of some all knowing god, and lying openly or aggressive working for some special interest. Recently a Congressman said, ”My truth may not fit your facts but truth is always common sense and believable!” In other wards, “Truth and facts are mutually exclusive!”

Take the Health Legislation-it was said, “The government's Obamacare mandates Advanced planning consultations. Those on Social Security will be required to attend am ‘end of life planning’ seminar every five years!” These are the Death committees! “The tax imposed under this section will not be treated as a tax.” Now, how could anyone in his or her right mind come up with this convoluted statement!

The act of Congressmen talking to the cameras has caused two very destructive things. First, it has provided the public a standard of “non sense” and “lies” that set the average intellectual goals of achievement at a level of a 7th grader and tells the public that any thing you say regardless of how ignorant is OK. The facts do not need to support what is given under the guise of Truth! Secondly, this tendency to say any thing as truth and absolute has stopped these leaders from taking the time and effort to look for the facts and them using reason to make accretions or conclusions. The full potential of the individual and whole group is never to be reached. The level of universal "Stupidity" becomes the standard.

The TV camera live in the Congress chamber has diminished the elected politician becoming a “Statesman” once elected to office. It has made a sham out of the expectation that the voter has placed into office a true representative “of, by and for” the people!

A classical example of how a Female (and others) views herself (themselves) as the equal to an essentially white male leader we only need to look at Sarah Palin-Mother Grizzly. She wares bibbed pants waders with both belt and suspenders. Stands in the Bubber stance, her little legs apart, thumbs stuck in the side pockets, swaying from side-to-side, posturing while waiting to take a shot on the shooting range. She takes her 306 rifle shoots Bambi, Thumper, Yogi and Boo Boo Bear, takes home a moose for dinner after clubbing a Flounder to death! He rethoric is filled with images of targets, lock and load, and remember the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution. She takes Vice President Cheney’s image of shooting his “Friend” in the face as a wonderful hazard worth taking for the sake of the win!

In addition, some female and Blacks that are vying for political positions having adapted the common habit of using, “Common Sense (polite phase for the stupidity)” and using it to make others comfortable with being ignorant and having joined the mass “Stupidity” of the voting public! This is one of the main reasons that the level of American education/intelligence performance is reported to be about the 7th grade level. Further. This demonstration by Congresspersons exposes to the world the reality that Americans are no more enlightened that some of the Third World Nations!

Some enterprising fellow Americans are using this condition of fear, emotion and declaration of truth with out fact to back it up and making big money (Limbaugh $500 million, Palin $20 million, Hannity, O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, etc.)

America's more perfect union has been obstructed by the show of disloyalty to truth, morality, and ethics! It is critical that Americans declare who our enemy is (i.e. Corporations, corrupt politicians, even at times some of our so called religious leaders) and excise/eliminate this cancer from the “Body Government” using all means necessary.

2011 brings America to probably the most critical corporate bought and paid for assembly (112th Congress) in decades. The Republicans are ready for the systemic destruction of many pieces of legislation that is good for citizens and destructive to corporate exploitation!

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD
Look Forward to Your Comments
Frankly Speaking Blogs; http://franklyspeaking.info/

Tuesday, January 11, 2011



(WRITTEN 2011)


It's a shame to lose a Congressperson of any religion. She was shot along with 12 other people attending a “meet your congressman” at a shopping center by a born in the USA citizen! If anything is to be learned by this, it should be that the hate mongering that has been so rampant in this country does more than just make money for domestic terrorist Limbaugh, Beohner, Fox, Glen Beck, or Sarah Palin. It gives unstable people permission to kill children or elected officials.

Immigrants had absolutely nothing to do with this. Mexican Drug Kingpins had nothing to do with this. In fact, there is no evidence of a Mexicans ever being terrorist!

Our grandchildren are in the greatest danger from the ignorance that may very well be destroying any hope of maintaining our Democracy. Our Nation is being lost to legal or illegal American criminals and ignorant zealots that have been lurking disproportionately at the bottom of the Republican Far Right Conservative Party every sense the Southern Strategy of Reagan. This was a strategy that brought The Southern Dixicrats and racist, sexist, homophobes and deviants to the party. They have found the financial backing of the corporate money that has only the exploitation of the nation as an objective!

After our crying and sadness has finished there needs to be an aggressive effort to tone down the loud mouths that are making money off keeping the citizens fired up over the fears of tier individual Ids. We must say as openly as the Limbaughs and the Palins that American is a nation of differing views that resolve their differences through the constructs the laws of our Constitution, not withstanding the 2nd Amendment thereof!

This lady Congressperson was a true, hard working, Democrat even respected by Republicans. The Tea Partiers want to take our one state at a time by any means

There is no way known to man to “Compromise” with ignorant, insane humans. America will survive only if the opposing political forces become just as intense as the opposition!

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD

Look Forward to Your Comments


Frankly Speaking Blogs; http://franklyspeaking.info


Sunday, January 02, 2011

(WRITTEN January 2011)

As the Governor of Florida Elect proceeds to move from a politician, take the peoples “Oath of Office,” to become a “Statesman” and take his place as leader, there are some alternative thoughts that he may consider.

First, we must understand that there are five major important institutions of a civilized society, Family, Religion, Education, Politics, and Economic. Each institution has their inherent characteristics and rules. The most important rule is that the institution will do no harm and includes what humans call “Moral” and social expectations. However, in the institution of Economics (i. e. Capitalism) the characteristic of “Morals” are counter productive to the narrow objective of it’s pure “Greed” of "Profit Making".

Therefore, in Capitalism American Style, pure greed has found morals as a liability. In fact, for the greatest profit, "Capitalism" has always been what is called an “Amoral” institution. American “Capitalism” is more successful, and refined than seen in the history of civilization! It has dropped all pretense of considering those issues such as Moral, social, and humane that are important characteristics to all other institutions in a civilized American Society! Even the loyalty to a particular country is a liability to profit making and has been dropped by American Corporations. This is why American citizens see their jobs going to other nations for lower production expenses/wages to the determent of being “Loyal” to American interest.

Further. American Capitalism has developed into a position so powerful that it has using corruption, propaganda and payola and invaded all other institutions in America! It has by any measure bought our in institution of “Politics/Government” through the financing of a candidates campaign for office. All other institutions must yield their moral character regularly to the pressures of making money to secure all the basic needs of the members of their particular institution. The operational hierarchy of Institutions should logically be (High to Low) Government (Constitutional Laws) followed by but not necessarially in this order,-Family-Religion-Education- and then Economics! Capitalism cannot run the nation!

This is important for our new Governor to know and understand. The skill of Business while it may be helpful/good for his functions, the underlying morality of looking at the needs of the humans and over-all societal development for which government exists far out ranks the business of being profitable in its “Constitutional” tasks. Functions, and Actions.

Moreover, it may be good to realize that the reason our Governor was elected was not so much his campaign affirmations while running for office, as the circumstances of the profound unemployment that citizens are experiencing and attributing to the Democrats. In other, words citizens voted not so much for the candidate but against the condition they were in while Democrats were in charge. They voted nationally against the Democrats wrongly for causing and not improving their lot in the two years they were in office. In addition, the fact that the President is now a Black Man added to the momentum for voting against Democrats.

Governor Elect Scott should consider that the promise to privatize say prisons is not really a good idea. The fixing for our prisons is probably best by reform of procedures and /or psychological conditioning of the “Administration of the Laws” by the enforce personnel. For example, our men and women in uniform must be trained to be less “Us(officers) against Them(citizens)” as they are we are here to protect and reform those that have strayed outside the law for various reasons; those that are more caused by the conditions of the citizens living and psychological problems brought about by undo stressful encounters (e. g. abuse, mental, poverty, survival for family obligations, etc.)!

Next, “Privatization” of prisons is too profit oriented and thus unless for any chance for reform and rehabilitation. As long as the primary objective is to fill the beds of the prison for $30,000 per year the overarching goal will be to get and keep the beds filled.

Then there is the campaign objective of “Contracting and outsourcing.” In this time of extreme unemployment there is little wisdom in putting Public Servants into the street adding further to the roles of the unemployed. There are things the Government can do better but are not good for private profiting making industry. These things may be necessary but not be useful it profiteering and a capitalism bent.

During the fifties and sixties the government invested in things that were not at first start, profit making but needed for the good of the nation. The TVA, CC Camps, Research in Agriculture to mention a few. However, they finally developed into the many business fertilizer, plastics, computers, machines, etc. These are some of today’s largest profiting making enterprises, as it is lovingly called!

All other Government changes must be viewed with the same prism “is it good for people and does do no harm” before the making of profit is used in the decision-making!! (i. e. immigration, retirement, education, Commerce, Employment, etc.)

It is the time for the giant step from a businessperson to a politician, into a shoes/role of a “StatesPerson” now that you sit in the Governor’s/Peoples Chair!


Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD

Look Forward to Your Comments


Frankly Speaking Blogs; http://franklyspeaking.info
