(WRITTEN 2011)
Libya is another one of America's chickens coming home to roast. The world revolts against world tyrants in the Middle East is generally a common result of citizens in countries that are supported by American money and policies that overlook the violation of human right in these nations.
Today, February 26, 2011 it is reported that Gaddafi is threatening to use the chemical weapons of Mustard Gas on his own people. The chaos in Libya has raised fears about the security of deadly mustard gas stockpiled in the country and whether Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi might use it on his own people. (NavyNurse, LIBYA MUSTARD GAS STOCKPILE, Washington (CNN), Feb 25, 2011) Don’t be surprised to find that this Mustard Gas was supplied by the US or US Military or affiliated Corporations! In addition, some of the aircraft used to attack Libyan citizens were supplied by the US. All of the military equipment has some connection with US suppliers of the world’s war material. (Frances Ann Burns, "Nerve Gas Defendant Due for Sentencing," United Press International, July 22, 1989. Daniel J. Wakin, "Man in Custody for Alleged Attempts to Buy Nerve Gas for Exportation," Associated Press, January 13, 1989) In addition, China is reported to have been involved in the supplying of gas to Gaddafi also.
Rumors alleged that Gadhafi is providing about $400.00 (CNN) per person to Libya citizens and $3 Billion to Republican Party to support him!! Gadhafi has taken a page out of the CEO Kock’s book, who has tried to buy some State Governors support to stop the Union (Middle Class & Poor) resistance. He wants to buy the attention of Republican leaders!
Moreover, this whole multi nation revolt in the Middle East can be traced back to the corrupt and misguided policies the American Government has accepted that is mainly to provide advantage for corporation's to exploit the resources of oil in these nations. It did not matter that these nations were not democracies and had tyrants as leaders. In fact, corporations and US Governments prefer to do business with dictators. They also preferred these leaders to be ignorant, barbaric, and cruel. Dictators are more like successful CEOs in that they are singular minded, greedy, amoral, and criminal. Collateral damage (human rights or deaths) is not an issue with a dictator.
This is Obama’s dilemma and an impossible task to resolve! As the citizen revolts in the Middle East continues the reasons for the up-heaves remain the same. Further, Obama must know that the union VS State Republican Governors such as those of Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, etc. (MSNBC) has the same issues as these in the Middle East, The “Middle Class VS Wealth”
Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD
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