About Me

Dr. J. (James) Alva Scruggs received a B. S. degree in Chemistry from Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, M. S. in Chemistry from Southern Connecticut State University, M. A./ Degree in Urban Studies from Occidental College, and a Doctorate in Education Administration from the University of Massachusetts.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011



(WRITTEN 2011)


The phase “Common Sense” is used by some leaders is in tented to get those of “Knowledge Challenged” to feel comfortable in their ignorance. This effectively cut civilization off from the level of progress that must be attained to solve today’s critical problems of population growth, Global warming, Renewable Clean energy, disease, food production, education growth. Etc.

If you start off with a false information base, you will most times end up with false conclusions. Remember the time, when it was held as a matter of national policy that "a mind is a terrible thing to lose." Today, the determined to be stupid are saying, “Reasoning is a terrible waste of time and facts are nothing but a bother!”

Some common misleading presentations of the “Coalition of Ignorance, Fear, and Emotion” are:

1. The more you cut taxes the more tax revenue flows into federal coffers.

2. History proves America is a Christian nation.

3. Climate change is either not happening at all or, if it is happening, it has nothing to do with our use of fossil fuels.

4. Slashing regulation of business and high finance is good for business, good for the nation and good for the American public.

5. If the rich are allowed to keep more of their earnings they will share it with everyone else, (trickle down).

6. School science classes should be "fair and balanced," like Fox News, when teaching the origins of life on earth by teaching the biblically-inspired "creationist" version alongside Darwin's scientific theory of evolution.

7. President Obama "may not have been born in America" as he claims.

8. President Obama is "a secret Muslim."

9. Taxes are inherently bad.

10. America can solve it’s debt problem by cutting taxes to rich and

11. Unions are detrimental to economic progress.

12. Science is no more than witchcraft, magic beliefs, and misleading to progress.

The greatest tragedy is that this false information is being seen in the books and curriculum of our educational system. Even science is feeling the onslaught of ignorance and false information in the references of their body of information! “Spelling Bees” are now more important than the knowledge of reasoning and science! If you can spell it correctly the reasoning and ignorance does not matter!! A “Spelling Bee” winner is not the mark/indicator of a high intellect and IQ!! A fool can spell fool and not know what a fool really is! Our schools are teaching our children to be “Spelling Fools” and “Reasoning Challenged!”

Michelle Bachmann believes that the founding fathers "didn't rest until the put an need to slavery" and the first shot "heard around the world" that started our war of independence was fired in New Hampshire etc..

America, a beacon of freedom, knowledge and science, is letting “Creeping Ignorance” turn the it into a nation that only Tea Party, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Boahner, Limbaugh, Hannity, O’riely, FOX TV News, and Ann Coulter, et al., could love: one big “Festival of Stupidity!”

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD

Look Forward to Your Comments


Frankly Speaking Blogs; http://franklyspeaking.info


Friday, March 25, 2011



Americans must look past the fear and emotion mongering of political spin artist to get at the truth. Her are several facts about America and it’s National Debt:
American has Always Been In Debt

Before the first session of the U.S. was in dept before the Congress close. The public debt was more than $75 million, Since that time it has never been paid down.

The Chinese Are Not the Us “Bankers”

The reality is that, as of 2010, China held only 9.5 percent of our outstanding debt. The largest lender to the U.S. government is the people and corporations of the United States. The Us owe 42.1 percent of the national debt in the form of Treasury bills (T) and the bulk in dept. are hold by American corporation, the very ones that don’t want to pay their taxes!

3. Republicans Leave More Debt Than Democrats:

Between 1960 and 2010, federal spending as a share of the economy has moved around within a fairly narrow range of between 17.7 percent (under Eisenhower) and 21.8 percent (during the first George Bush's term in office). Republicans are just as happy to spend, but they run on tax cuts. However, they operate on “Tax-cut for the rich and spend on the legislation for private profits!” In the mean time Republicans label Democrats the “Tax ad spend” party. In fact toe tax and spend is the only way to keep a balanced budget and pay your way all along the way! It's been Democrats who are far more conservative when it comes to keeping deficits under control than their Republican counterparts.

4. You Never Paid for That Empire

It's ironic testament to the influence of the conservative massive message machine on American beliefs that in the discussion of the public debt so frequently centers on “entitlements” like Social Security (which hasn't added a penny to the national debt). Actually the bulk of our national is from policies which lead the US into war (or profit) was by the “Fourth Branch of Government” made u[ of Corporations! After all, we're still paying for WWII, Korea and Vietnam and Grenada and Panama and the first Gulf War and Somalia and the Balkans and on and on. (Joshua Holland, The 15 Biggest Lies About the Economy (and Everything else the Right Doesn't Want You to Know About Taxes, Jobs and Corporate America), Altermet.org March 25, ,2011)

5. Solving the present financial crisis

American will never get out of this “Financial Crisis” with the greedy, amoral, criminal people that deliberately caused it, sitting in the decision making group.

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD

Look Forward to Your Comments


Frankly Speaking Blogs; http://franklyspeaking.info


Thursday, March 17, 2011



(WRITTEN 2011)


If you had a cancer that give you a headache, chest pains, and eye focusing disabilities, would you treat the cancer by taking an aspirin for the headache, some antacid for the chest pains and some eye drops for the eyes! I guess not because the root cause of the illness is the cancer in your head!

This is the same with the economic illness of the US. The US has unemployment, personal and National Debts, hungry, fear and anguish. These are but some of the systems of the Economic melt down. Therefore, providing unemployment checks is good but temporary-paying debts by using credit cards and/or selling “T” bills is also temporary-feeding the hungry with commodities and singing songs of praise are them satisfying but temporary. This is the treating of the symptoms of our problem of economic Crisis. The root cause is in the “Goudian Knot” of wealth being over blotted and hoarding ill placed cash!

The “Goudian Knot” of the US economic Cancer is the Bankers, Wall Street, cooperation moving money to off shore accounts and the allowed “Punsi” schemes of criminal business people! It will take a moral strong, Statesman to cut the strangling Gouderain Knot that holds the blood of America's economic institution of, for and by the people! America’s Nation debt is reported to about $14.1 trillion dollars which makes the US Government a poor institution. In contrast private wealth is reported to hold about $15-$20 trillion dollars in out of country accounts. This private holding is enough funds to pay the national debt and jump-start the US economy easily. But the move to retrieve these private holding will arose such a power as to make the WWII pale by comparison!

This leaves President Obama with the phase “Compromise and Negotiate” stuck in his public speech. How can he negotiate and compromise with an adversary of Powerful, Greedy, Amoral, criminal, traitors that have deliberately brought the “Institution of America Government” to it's knees? Obama must at least pretend to work on the symptoms, which is not the real problem, to survive. Believe me Obama has a multitude of symptoms on which to work and seems to get additional ones by the day! It makes him look like a weak and an ineffective Statesman. Obama is also a Black man, if you had not realized this. He is fought by many not because he is trying to do bad or good, but he is opposed primarily to make sure that he has as few successes as possible!

What is the real answer for the President? Maybe can forget the next Presidential Election, take the chance be the HERO expose the foul under belly of this blood gutted beast, cut the “Goudian Knot” pump it full of radio active Cesium, watch it die a glorious death, for our children’s sake!!!! (Susan Warner and Bruce E. Levin, "Get Up, Stand Up": Do Americans Have What It Takes to Stand Up to Corporate Power and Does Wisconsin Offer Hope?, AlterNet, March 15, 2011, http://www.alternet.org/story/150260/) Let the Greedy roll over and slowly sink into the dark and cold deep of the abyss where all “Bottom Feeders” must go.

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD

Look Forward to Your Comments


Frankly Speaking Blogs; http://franklyspeaking.info


Wednesday, March 02, 2011


(WRITTEN 2011)


Lean forward and listen or read this carefully! Taxes are not inherently a bad thing. To start with the definition of Taxes is “a sum of money paid/collected/demanded by a government for its support or for specific facilities or services, levied upon incomes, property, sales, etc.”

Corporations and some politicians have gone to great lengths to instill into the beliefs of the voter that all taxes and those who declare are very bad. The phase, “Those old Tax and spend Liberals,” or some right wing campaigning presidential candidates saying, “Watch my mouth, no more taxes!” is regularly used to drive intelligent/progressives into a corner and deny them the ability to openly talk about taxes in any solution to financial problems.

It is time to ask the question, “ If the peoples government did not collect taxes how would some services be paid for?” Yes, the word “Taxes” has been made a dirty word and being used by politicians to defeat any potential intelligent Statesman that proposes their collection as a way to support/pay for the necessary services for a healthy society. Further, the demonizing of the word “Taxes” has made it impossible to use the collection or raiseing of taxes to balance the National Debt. In fact, if corporations would pay their fair share of taxes it would easily be enough cover the existing National Debt!! The critical question should be, “Who pays taxes and what tax rate(s) are fair!?”

In the opinion of many economists the most equitable tax is a flat tax on income. In others words if you make a dollar you pay say a $.10 or ten percent tax-if you make $1 million dollars you pay about $100,000.00 in taxes.” But as Americans know the present tax codes, taxes are levied on the poor and Middle Classes and the wealthy pay little to none. Taxing is not that complicated. However, the explanation of taxes is made complicated in order to deliberately “Bamboozle” the public and drive public servant into hiding!! No public servant can admit that they do not understand the subject of “Taxes” nor “American Economics Capitalist Style.” That is why all economic explanations are provided “Casey Stingle Style!” America deliberately has one of the most “Regressive” tax system in the civilized world!

It is true that taxes are at times misused and wasted by incompetent, unscrupulous, and misleads Statesmen. But when this occurs the citizens can solve this problem but voting this misplaced leader out of government. Consider this against the situation where a CEO of a private for profit corporation gain excess profits and proceed to exercise that power by further exploiting the citizens/voters. How then can this CEO be removed form their positions. The citizens did not vote these CEOs into their office nor can they vote them out!

In addition, some services in a society do not lend themselves to a “Private for profit” investment. Consider such services as road building and maintenance, water management, Law Enforcement, military for national defense/protection, interstate and “inter and intra public services” management and etc. Further, there is no guarantee that any corporation would be loyal and patriotic enough to provide employment to Americans when they can move their operations out of the country in order to get a cheaper labor leaving American unemployed, poor, hopeless and hungry!

The word “Tax” must be taken out of the context where it can be used as a rule of thumb “bad word” that frightens the voter to vote for those, who wish to weaken government in order to be able to take advantage of public resources. Taxes are not bad (per se), “wicked, incompetent, and criminal” Tax spenders are very bad!!

American today is struggling with a debt that has been made mainly by the problem of the wealthy avoiding paying any taxes at all, gaining immense wealth, sitting on their ill gotten spoils, with all the Americans and world be dammed!! It is reported that the amount of money presently held in off shore banks by private companies is more than equal to the total national debt of America! This is the challenge for our president, “Can any President in the face of the present power of privately concentrated immense wealth, make and keep the “Institution of Government” as the primary leader of our civilized society.”

Would you rather pay a private for profit corporation $2.00 for all drinking water, or so much per mile for the use of privately owned roads and bridges, or $$ for bottles of breathable air?? Would Americans rather have CEOs, that are not holding/in offices as choices of the people (e.g. voting) running the nation with the primary objective of exploiting the citizens and nation resources??

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD

Look Forward to Your Comments


Frankly Speaking Blogs; http://franklyspeaking.info
