About Me

Dr. J. (James) Alva Scruggs received a B. S. degree in Chemistry from Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, M. S. in Chemistry from Southern Connecticut State University, M. A./ Degree in Urban Studies from Occidental College, and a Doctorate in Education Administration from the University of Massachusetts.

Sunday, January 26, 2014




            There are many questions that are vulnerable to answers from someone! However, more importantly there are immersing answers for questions that America does not want to hear the answers and no one is brave enough to provide face.

For example;

1.     Answer: Florida has been without a Lt. Governor for about a year, which indicates that this position is not really needed. Question: Why, was the position of Lt. Governor, which was held by a Black female, who was vacated with malice, left empty for one year?


2.      Answer: Americans well vote against their best interest if a well-financed campaign with a lot of money is waged this would convenience the voter that he can be reelected as Governor. Question: Why does Governor Scott think that he can be reelected as Governor in 2014?

3.      Answer: The Republican Tea Party group is working hard with “excessive entanglement“ to assure that Obama is not successful in anything he proposes because he is Black. Question: Why are the Republicans voting down all proposals of the Obama administration?

4.      Answer: Americans are so dedicated to the predatory, criminal, exporting Capitalism practiced in America because they are taught that any form of capitalism is best as an economic institution in the world and further that capitalism is a natural law of the universe. Question: Why does the American voters feel that it’s capitalism must not be regulated?

5.      Answer: The institution of criminal justice acts to destroy the lives of Blacks in a disproportional manner mainly because of racism in American culture? Question: Why are there so many Blacks in prison? Are Blacks innately criminals?

6.      Answer: Although Governor Scott, who is alleged to be one of the worst governors in the history of Florida and shows very little evidence of the value of the citizens, he thinks that the voters can be convinced to vote ageist their best interest by the money of a devious campaign. Question: Why does Governor Scott feel that he can be re-elected governor?

7.      Answer: The Republican Tea Party feel so hostile toward educated leaders/people because they are looking for simple answers that fit their bias prejudices against race, sex, homosexuals, and different ethic groups. Question: Why do the Tea party groups fight against science, and other logic answers to questions?


There are so many important answers for which questions are not being asked. Do you wonder why?


Dr. J. Alva Scruggs,  BS, MS, MA, EdD
Look Forward to Your Comments
JSCRU5750 (at) AOL.COM




All of us who are unable to get employment due to having a police record of misdemeanors, citations, etc need to find how to get an employer to avoid the quick and/or knee-jerk action of exclusion. I personally know of six Black Boys of family and four friends that have automatic police citations of “victimless” infractions have graduated from college and cannot get employment because they have police records. These are but six of millions of boys in this predicament.

What is needed is an accepted employer policy and procedure of conducting an acceptable and easy action of a review or discovery of the substance, character, and circumstances of these unfortunate but potentially good applicants/employees for employment by:


  1. Conducting an interview with the applicant,
  2. Getting a history of the record(s) (conducting a discovery) to determine the seriousness and accuracy of the record.
  3. Determination of the date(s) and severity of the police recording plus the term and status of any plea-bargain probation(s).


It would be helpful if those who have the experiences of being refused or released from employment because of a policy of employers to automatically take actions of denial and/or release, a central “help” resource must be pursued. This communication suggests and offers a central source to record and get information to fellow applicants with records. You must realize that this is not an individual problem. It is a pervasive universal problem of millions of Americans who have had problems and are now trying unsuccessfully to join the legitimate labor market. The denial of employment is the reason for employment most people, who have records, turn to unlawful activities after they have paid their debt to society.


Please send a brief note of your problem to E-Mail (jscru5750@gmail.com). You will receive a number for your identification (instead of your name) and any information that has been logged that will help your situation!!


Dr. J Alva Scruggs



















Dear Employer To Be,


      As you see, I have filled out this application accurately and completely. In doing so the acknowledged fact of a police record is present. This is why I am RESPECTIFULLY requesting that instead of using a policy that may automatically deny me the position for which I have applied, please take the opportunity to the better easy action(s) of speaking with me and conducting a quick “Discovery” of my qualities to be a good, reliable employee.


I look forward to your attentive response.



Saturday, January 18, 2014




(Unedited/Unabridged 2013)


Today I was reading a very interesting and revealing article in the “Gantt Report!” It was providing some insight into this generation of young people. The article called them “The Me Generation.” This generation proceeding the era of active rights demonstrations appear to take little notice or interest in things other than those that of a personal quality. dads or moms home for free The “Me Generation” spend their time chilling, “X boxing,” shopping for such personal things as sneakers ($200.00 to $400.00 a pair/pop), mobil/cell phones, making “booty” calls, and being caught up by “Black Boy” round-ups, etc. When asked about discrimination (i.e. sex, race, ethnic) or civil and political issues they look at you as if you were some alien force taking up their valuable time! They may say, “That is old time. There is none of that now.” It is peculiar when you are looking at and talking to college graduates, who are unemployed, in fact never had more than a temporary job without benefits, and still living in their dad’s and mom’s home!!

            This started us to look for factors that have brought our children to this point. There seem to be several factors that come to mind.


  1. Although our generation was having its problems over discrimination in education, getting jobs, promotion on the job, and just living while Black, we kept this from our children in order to spare them the stress of such a condition. We though that the next generation would have it somewhat better.
  2.  This bit of living history was essentially kept from our children in our integrated institutions of education and so forth. Among the four families we know personally that had children (there were at least 12children considered) and having finished college, not one Black male had found permanent employment. They had all the ambitions and needs of any mature male but none of the working priviledges to support their needs.
  3. Too many Black Religious Leaders have become “Predatory Vulture Capitalist” “Civil Rights Pimps” using the beliefs of Religion as leverage to good living and wealth while surpressing the facts!


I recall the incident when a cross was burned on my front lawn in Connecticut in the sixties, Instead of calling my family to witness this; I sent them to the basement and took a garden hose, put out the fire and placed the cross in the trash. What I should he done is involved the whole family and all took care this burning cross burning followed by a complete explanation of the reason the cross was burning.

In the school system where my children were attending, no Black student had ever graduated and attended college. In fact all the college bound courses were held on the third floor of the High School and no Black student was allowed to go on that floor. I decided to get on the Board of Education and try or change this situation. I was successful and all my daughters attended the college bound courses graduated with honors and attended Yale, Brandice, FAMU, and Taladegia. But again I never explained this to my family and today I am hearing that this condition of disparit treatment is old time and no longer important. They say this as they returned to their room in their family’s home!!            

            Moreover, clean non violent (submissive) view of desperate (racist) treatment is the mind set that the white institutions have provided our youth. They can ride the bus and sit anywhere, buy things of pleasure, but presently they do not have the resources to participte because of the continual lack of excess to resources! Presently 40 % of Black Boys are on lock down or probation, 70% have only temporary employment and not even aware of why. The facts suggest that Black “Me Generation” Boys are still subject to discrimination because of plain old ignorance.        

            Finally, These “Me Generation” Black Boys must be looked at as willing members of a classic “Cult!” They will have to be deprogrammed using a severe discrepant event of a medical or psycholocal nature nearing demise. Followed by a reprogramming using aggressive douses of truth and good information.

            As long as a people allow their oppressors to provide them their history they will always be slaves. Yes. the conditions of oppression remains today, however, it is disguised and institutionalzed for the consumption of the disenfranchised!




All of us who are unable to get employment due to having a police record of misdemeanors, citations, etc need to find how to get an employer to avoid the quick and/or knee-jerk action of exclusion. I personally know of six Black Boys of family and four friends that have automatic police citations of “victimless” infractions have graduated from college and that cannot get employment because they have police records. These are but six of millions of boys in this predicament.

What is needed is an accepted employer policy and procedure of conducting an acceptable and easy action of a review or discovery the substance, character, and circumstances of these unfortunate but potentially good applicants/employees for employment by:


  1. Conducting an interview with the applicant,
  2. Getting a history of the record(s) (conducting a discovery) to determine the seriousness and accuracy of the record.
  3. Determination of the date(s) and severity of the police recording plus the term and status of any plea-bargain probation(s).


It would be helpful if those who have the experiences of being refused or released from employment because of a policy of employers to automatically take actions of denial and/or release, a central “help” resource must be pursued. This communication suggests and offers a central source to record and get information to fellow applicants with records. You must realize that this is not an individual problem. It is a pervasive universal problem of millions of Americans who have had problems and are now trying unsuccessfully to join the legitimate labor market. The denial of employment is the reason for employment most people, who have records, turn to unlawful activities after they have paid their debt to society.


Please send a brief note of your problem to E-Mail (jscru5750@gmail.com). You will receive a number for your identification (instead of your name) and any information that has been logged that will help your situation!!


Dr. J Alva Scruggs



















Dear Employer To Be,


      As you see I have filled out this application accurately and completely. In doing so the acknowledged fact of a police record is present. This is why I am RESPECTIFULLY requesting that instead of using a policy that may automatically deny me the position for which I have applied, please take the opportunity to the better easy action(s) of speaking with me and conducting a quick “Discovery” of my qualities to be a good, reliable employee.


I look forward to your attentive response.

