
Copyright 2014
J. Alva Scruggs
1804 Mayfair Drive
you are over fifty years you will notice that doctors of today generally seem
to be less concerned with the patient’s personal state of mind as they are with
their medical and psychological conditions in general. In the forties the
physicals would take time to get a fell for the psychological state in which
the patient comes to him and then try to diagnose the medical and physical
condition they may have. It is well recorded that stress and tension can be the
precursor to most medical problems. But
the determination of a patient’s mental state takes much more time than the
easy give him or her a cure all pill or special procedure! Can a Doctor really
treat you if they show very little interest in the whole patient??
The most recent records show that medical Doctors are
the third leading cause of deaths in the USA!! They are attributed to about
35,000 patients per year. Hospitals are credited with about 100,000 deaths pre
year. Because of the present “Industrial Medical Complex” run by the Medical Insurance Industry doctors must
make their money by the volume of patients they can see. With the present major
role of “The Medical Insurnce Industry Complex” medicine has become a
money making machine! (UWE E. REINHARDT, How Much Money
Do Insurance Companies Make? A Primer, Today’s Economist, September
25, 2009) this make the time of a
Patient with the doctor out ten to fifteen minutes per visit!! Today’s doctors are no mover than the
“medical traffic directors” of patient’s treatments!!! (48,000+ die of preventable hospital
deaths, (UPI), Feb. 23, 2010) (In Hostipal Deaths from Medical Errors at
195,000+ per Year USA, Medical News Today, 09 Aug 2004)
The number to cause of patiets deaths in the US is Pharmaceuticals! (ACinMA , #2 Cause of US Deaths: Pharmaceuticals, Daily Paul Liberty Forum, 12/11/2010) The rates of unintentional poisoning– from prescription in the U.S. has surpassed motor vehicle crashes as the leading cause of unintentional injury, death (Health Team, Documentary reveals the unhealthy profits of the pharmaceutical industry, The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, August 11th, 2010) All of this demonstrates that patenets must be aware and involved in their medical dianosis and treatment.
Reports show that, Yes, the lack of knowledge can literally kill you, with the help of others no doubt.
· 42% of people believed they had personally experienced a medical mistake (NPSF survey)
· 44,000 to 98,000 deaths annually from medical errors (Institute of Medicine)
· 225,000 deaths annually from medical errors including 106,000 deaths due to "nonerror adverse events of medications" (Starfield)
· 180,000 deaths annually from medication errors and adverse reactions (Holland)
· 20,000 annually to 88,000 deaths annually from nosocomial infections 2.9 to 3.7 percent of hospitalizations leading to adverse medication reactions 7,391 deaths resulted from medication errors
· (Institute of Medicine) 2.4 to 3.6 percent of hospital admissions were due to (prescription) medication events (Australian study)
Moreover, when a doctor says hat they have a procedure that they would like you to endur the patient must try to drtermine if they really need to participate as a long suffering patient. This is especially true if the physician has shown very little interest in their whole personal condition! This surely shows that an ignorant preson in todays world of knowledge may as well be dead!
19, 2013, the day that will live in my memory forever. On this mooring I went
to the bathroom with dirtier and on the way back to my favorite chair I slipped
and fell in my own leavings! I ended up hitting my head on the floor and
landing in front of my chair. It felt like my headed was a watermelon as I hit
with a fluid like clunk!! I could not get up and in my haze started to look for
a phone. After a long (short) agonizing time I saw the phone just under the
chair and managed to dial 911 and my daughter, Valerie!!
sent an ambulance, which came to the front door, which was locked. I managed to
tell them to come in through the garage door. The next thing I remember was
coming too in the emergency room of the Tallahassee Community Hospital. I could
not speak nor think very clearly. I again passed out and when coming too again
I remember that my daughter was there. My mind was going from one vision to
another and I was unable to distinguish between being awake or dreaming. I was
tied to the bed with straps on both hands. There was a tube (catcher) in my
neck and another one inch from my heart--- so I was told or over heard from the
staff talking to each other. Every time I was given something through these
Cathers I became delusional and was seeing things of great indignation.
must say before I go any further that my daughters were my salvation. My third
daughter was especially attentive. She moved to Tallahassee from Lakeland,
which was about 300 miles down state Florida to take care of me. She made my
day. I was always looking for her visit during each day. I ma very careful to
say that all my daughters did what they could. The God of my world certainly
acted through her. If there were any depressing things that happened to me, my
family’s efforts more than made up for these bad things!! That being said I must
record my experiences through my eyes, both good and bad!
Blue!!!” and everything went away. Then everything came back. But the
clocks were minutes ahead my last look!! There were nurses and doctors bending
ove my bed. I was laying there trying to get my bareings! Some one was saying,
“What’s your name?? How old are you?? How many fingers do you see??”
Then the crowd went away!!!
was some time later and darkness spread upon my that entire mind could
perceive. There was a voice piecing through the abyss saying, “ Count too three and
open the door at the light.” There was in front of my minds
perception a doorknob with a bright light behind a door, which was closed. I
started to count “…1….2…. 2.1…2.3…..2.4….” The voice came again
saying you must count using whole numbers. I therefore started to count again “…1….2….2.1…2.4…2.5…”
Suddenly there was a voice saying Dad you have got to wake up and a soft warm
hand was shaking my shoulder. They said again, “Dad! You got to wake up!!”
I stopped all I was doing and lay quietly for what seemed to be an eternity. I
finally said, “I am using my last energy. My synapses and neurons are
firing. Sylvia get me out of here they are killing me!!!”
passed out again and when I woke up again I was in another place and they staff
was trying to weigh me in a sling. Sylvia was there and I said out loud, “Sylvia
get me out of here the staff are gay and one was assuring me that he was not
HIV infected.” This man was what is called a “Flaming
Homosexual.” He was switching and popping/smacking his lips making a nasty
smacking sound. I passed out again and upon waking again I was back at the ICU
in the Emergency Room. A doctor was saying in the background,.” “There is no
way I can get eighty pounds of fluid off this man!!” I had a Catcher in
both my throat and my arm running one inch from my heart. A voice was saying we
must get a tracheotomy done!! I again got up enough energy to say, “Hell no
…no traykeeotomy! Sylvia pleases!!” I passed out again and when I came too
again I was in a place called “Select” which was a medical recovery center. It
was again a stroke of luck for me.
All this time the CNA was pressing something call a “K
pack” over my face. It was a source of oxygen. But they were hurting me by
miss-applying this contraption. There was a practically aggressive man, six ft
5ins tall holding me down and maintaining this mask on my face. The mask was
cutting into my hose and forehead. Blood was running into my eyes and my nose
was broken. The man was saying, “I am here to help you just be still and
take this …” I summoned up as much energy as I could and kicked him off me
screaming and kicking. I refused to stop until this man was removed from the
room. Finally another staff member came in and allowed me to assist in getting
the oxygen K-Pack on. But by now my face was paining and bleeding.
5 of 55 pages draft book!!!