About Me

Dr. J. (James) Alva Scruggs received a B. S. degree in Chemistry from Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, M. S. in Chemistry from Southern Connecticut State University, M. A./ Degree in Urban Studies from Occidental College, and a Doctorate in Education Administration from the University of Massachusetts.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Capitalism American Style Does Great Harm & Has Brought Down All Other Institutions!!

            There is a way that the usefulness of capitalism can be made moral and “do-no-harm!” Presently the objective of Capitalism American Style is to gain and hold unlimited wealth and hold it for the good of the benefit of the individual! It is the common “Enemy” of the world, as we know it. It is also the enemy of our enemy, the Muslin Terrorist! Yes, it is the corporations that are harming the Islam nations. (Webster On Line Dictionary: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market) Please notice “Capitalism” is an economic institution, not a “Social Institution/System” as Americans have been sold to think. When an economic system is harmful to the other social institutions the economic institution must be fixed, changed or dismantled!!
            What if there was another stipulation placed on the privilege of making a profit. If there was a written moral requirement for the capitalist to have in its charter/contract/license the stipulation that the excess wealth they gained from the exploitation of the world would be used for some humane or social development project(s), then the acquiring of great wealth would be for the benefit of mankind. Just think this is not an outlandish or bad idea. These human projects/investments need not be directly associated with the product of the industry involved. There is no need for a person to gain great wealth just to stash it away in an undisclosed place where it does no good for humanity.
            For example, if Exxon/Mobil had as a part of its license that the excess profits of the company would be invested in the exploration of new and clean energy sources, and then the profits would be used absolutely for the progress and benefit of mankind. If the pharmaceuticals had as a part of it license the stipulation that it would invest their excess profits in the investigation of new drugs and procedures for the curing of a disease such as cancer then their existence would have a moral base for the good of mankind. The lumber industry should be license to do measurable forest renewal. And so on it goes!!
            For the privilege of participating in the pleasure of profiting in the nation’s economic system there should be a demand to do no harm and for the redirecting of company resources to create a better place for mankind.
           This must be the paramount goal of The American citizens in 2011!

The Use of Reason Instead Of Fear and Emotion is not a Sign of a Weak President!!

The world of power is based on the fact that ignorance, fear, emotion and illusion are the mother’s milk of control and exploitation of humans. This is and has been the base of all policies of national and international preemptive conquests!!
            The United States and all its allies have long been conducting business by assuring that the level of intelligence in the population at large remains at about the fifth grade level. This attribute is so great that when the world produces a leader, who tries to bring the population to the realization that there is a need for raising their intellect, they are in mortal danger of an assignation! Castro, South American leaders, Obama types are poison for the power brokers of corporations and American Leaders. The whole “Manifest Destiny” was based on the declaration that we in American or Leaders of America were destine to rule and own the world because of their superior ordained privilege and intelligence. Where there was ignorant population our God had provided us the right to take them on as “The Super Intelligent White Leaders Burden!!”
            If Obama intends to change the way the world treats each other, he has to first disabuse Americans of the notion that it is not all right to use lies, intimidation, genocide, famine, plagues, and human misery as tolls of public and international policies. This is the most difficult path to take when fighting the "coalition of corruption" that presently rules the world. America every day holds up other backward societies as quaint, beautiful, primitive, and good objects for study. This is all right until a society develops a dogma that holds freedom above life its self. This is the problem we see in the Muslin militants. They do not have the capacity to militarily win over the super powers. However, they have the weapon of suicide as a weapon that can only be defeated by the complete annihilation of the group or the reeducation of the group in a religion that is centuries old. They are no longer quant now. They are our cruel and repugnant enemies!!
            In American the issue of changing the Health Care System is having so much trouble because, the profiteers on the Health Care System are using the foundation of evoking fear, emotion, and confusion into a population that is conditioned to avoid thinking at all cost. In fact how many times have you heard the phase, “Common Sense” approach in contrast to using, ”reasoning” bound in intellect to make a decision. Our politicians have elevated the ignorant that come with fear and emotion to an acceptable level and made think the domain of those old elitist, eggs heads, liberals and progressives-and Obama!! In fact, the Conservative have gladly given Obama the label of, “Professor of Politics” to seal him in a position of the least chance of winning a point no matter how obviously positive it may be!!
            This is the same problem with our international policies. These policies were set by American business of profit making and based in using ignorance, fear, and emotion to gather the wealth of the world into their hidden pots! Now Obama has to provide the nations of the world the idea that reason is not a sign of weakness and is as honorable, powerful, and acceptable as the “fist of destruction” that history has use to conquer people. How many times have you been taught that when coming in as a new leader you should first show an act of cruelty by firing some people and slapping others, before you start to offer boons/gifts to the worthy!!
    This use of reasoning will be fought by all the exploiters of the world!!

Friday, December 17, 2010


          The recent stationing of TV cameras in Congress has unacceptably influenced the behavior of most Congressmen on floor of the House and Senate. They seem more concerned with their image on camera than the substance of their speeches or the substance of the legislation before them! The TV cameras expose the following;

  1. the intellectually challenged,
  2. a profound lack of understanding,
  3. an abundance of hyperbolic egos spouting out misinterpreted information,
  4. clinical ignorance,
  5. sadistic playing to the camera such as overly emotional blubbering and crying.

            On a positive note, the live TV shows how much hypocrisy there is among some of the Congressman. They cannot be on one side at one time and change their sides without the viewing public seeing their political trickery live and color. For example, Boehner finally had to admit that he said that he did not want Obama or his policies to succeed. Although he fell short of admitting he was fighting Obama because he was Black!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


A young Black boy tasered in the gentiles several times until he passed out and soiled his clothes! This is the absurd things that some degenerate Law Officers do while abusing the taser that is supposed to be a “Non Lethal” weapon. (Lauren Kelley, the 6 Most Shocking Cases of Police Stun-Gun Abuse, AlterNet, December 7, 2010, http://www.alternet.org/story/149115/)
This list of reported abuses includes:
ü     Man having diabetic seizure tasered 11 times,
ü     Officers taser 14-year-old boy, sending him into cardiac arrest, Officers repeatedly taser,
ü     threading to sodomize foster children,
ü     Mentally ill man falls to his death after being tasered,
ü     Bipolar man killed by taser for running down street naked,
ü     10-year-old child tased at day care.
ü     Etc.
            These are, of course, just a few examples that point to a much larger problem of taser abuse by police. Law Enforcement most times is our front line against terrorist, friends of the public, not terrorist!!
Our Police officers are not so much chosen or trained for their humanity and intellect but more for their large stature and ability to act with barbaric intensity at the slightest provocation. They are especially laden with large doses of ethnic and racial bias and prone to profiling at the drop of a hat. They are indoctrinated with the “Us and Them” knee jerk reaction to their encounters. This leaves the Black and poor disproportionately on the end of excessive force.
Until it’s proven that the laser weapons are truly non-lethal – and that police can use them responsibly – we should push back against efforts like Chicago’s to get more tasers into more officers’ hands.

Friday, December 10, 2010



Republicans, Conservatives, and The Tea Party seem to think that “Truth and Facts” are not the same!! They tend to present what they say is “truth” and in the next breath declare that “Facts” do not always support their truth! At least they try to convince the American public that their truth is not really lies when they conflict... with the facts!! Further, "Common Sinse" is a pleasant label for ignorance!

Republicans have provided a buzz word for "Compromise"-"Obamamise!" Their buzz word for “Health Care” is "Obamacare!" Obama Compromise has been lowered to a level of "A cowardly act of giving in!"
Obama’s compromising may be an excellent strategy for pulling the Republican's evil primary objectives/intentions (Tax Breaks for the Wealthy) into the light! Fellow Americans must hope that this is true.

Let us not forget that Republican's have declared on the Floor of The Congress that their primary objective is to see that Obama is denied a second term and that all his policies fail regardless if it may hurt the “American Common Good!”
It is difficult to determine if Obama is a liberal of good heart or a “Black Man Tom" in intellectual clothing!