About Me

Dr. J. (James) Alva Scruggs received a B. S. degree in Chemistry from Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, M. S. in Chemistry from Southern Connecticut State University, M. A./ Degree in Urban Studies from Occidental College, and a Doctorate in Education Administration from the University of Massachusetts.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010


Picture this to make a point. The average income in the USA being 1 Million dollars per year!!! Then consider in keeping with the present consumption expectations/standards of today’s “Rich and Famous” millionaires, each American would consume and misuse resources (e.g. Food, transportation, women, homes, etc) the same excesses as millionaires do today! How long could the world resources last with this abuse? How long would the other populations of the world put up with this ridiculous and abusive condition? Would the world be stripped of all essential living resources and would there be wars and rumors of real wars, pitting the super poor VS the superrich??
        That is the ridiculous reality of the American dream that we all are programmed to envision. We all work so hard to become a millionaire in the image of our present wealthy citizens!  (Tara Lohan, Downsize Nation: Welcome to the New, Smaller American Dream, December 8, 2010, http://www.alternet.org/story/149077/)

First, you can see that the conditions that would make all citizens millionaires are beyond reality. But in looking at the real objectives of people, both rich and poor alike is to have the human satisfaction of love, both physical and psychological! Napoleon had his Mary Antoinette, King Henry had his five queens, Pharaoh had his Cleopatra, and and so on it goes. Yes, after getting wealth every one still would kill for the love of some other person. It is not love and happiness. It is consumption and waste!
The point is that Americans have been propagandized into believing that the prime objective in life is money and the wealth that follows!
America's Capitalist system has survived only because the rate of wealth accumulation has been by a very few people, and the rise of goods and services have always lagged behind the group of superrich. In other words, the rise in the income level of the greater population is programmed to rise at a rate far less than that of the wealthy! There is no chance that the number of millionaires becoming say half the population to make them wealthy. This is because the price of services and materials would have risen to levels that leaves all these new millionaires relatively poor (e. g. at the price of bread is $2.00 when only 2 percent of the population are millionaires and it will be $100 dollars when fifty percent of the population are millionaires!)
In addition, Americans have been taught that they must work hard go to school and this would provide them a path to wealth and riches. However, Americans can readily see that even when the number of citizens who achieve Middle Class Status by these rules, the wealthy have gotten to their position by playing “out-side-of-the-box” of hard work and fairness. Greed criminality, cruelty, exploit, treachery, traitorous, and inhumanity are the route to riches. They are truly not the “All American Boys” that is the American standard!

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