About Me

Dr. J. (James) Alva Scruggs received a B. S. degree in Chemistry from Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, M. S. in Chemistry from Southern Connecticut State University, M. A./ Degree in Urban Studies from Occidental College, and a Doctorate in Education Administration from the University of Massachusetts.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Taxes per se' is not bad word-


(WRITTEN 2011)



Taxes per se' is not bad word-

Progressive taxes are good! The most fair/progressive tax is what is generally called a “Flat Tax” on all income (i. e. 10% or something). Taxes are the only method a government can raise funds to support the required activities of a healthy government. However, taxes have become a powerful tool to instill fear and emotion into citizens and get votes for people that intend to do harm to the nation. Conservatives on particular, have made taxes a dirty word that when used is followed by the dropping of an eyelid (wink) and spitting into the dust!

American cannot recovery it solvency without facing this subject head on. Here are some things that the US can place in its to do list.


  1. The present tax rate on business should be repealed immediately! (Sam Pizzigati, “Tax, Tax, Tax the Rich!" Calls to Tax Wealthy Making Right Wingers Sweat? A simple but powerful chant is now starting to reverberate, all across the country, in protests against budgets cuts gone wild. March 20, 2011)
  2. “At This time the government should be trying to retrieve all funds of tax evasion being held in off shore accounts at this time! (Adrian Cox, Frances Williams, Bern and Joanna Chung, Financial Times FT.com Companies US claims 52,000 hid UBS accounts, February 19 2009) “There are as many as 52,000 American customers hiding UBS accounts from the authorities in violation of tax laws, a US government lawsuit against the Swiss bank alleged on Thursday, February 20 2009) It alleged, “The Department of Justice filed a suit seeking to force UBS to disclose the holders of accounts with about $14.8 trillion in assets.
  3. The Federal Tax code should be made more progressive by passing a “Flat Tax” of about ten percent on all income! This could generate about 10% of the Gross National Income (GNI=$10 trillion) or about one trillion dollars per year


  1. Obama must cease the opportunity in the mist of the earth quake Tsumie and Nuclear tragedy. offer Japan businesses to move their manufacturing to “floor space in America” using 50% American workers and 50% Japanese workers while Japan recover their national health! It is the American thing to do!
  2. Mr. President, take Oil; off the Stock Market, placer it in commodities using the same existing legislation (used in reverse for their oil buddies) by Nixon and Bush, then raise the price (taxes) by One dollar per gallon, use the funds gained to invest in clean energy and infrastructure, etc. Let the Oil companies fight and cry over these redirected profits!!
  3. To stop Oil gouging, OBAMA like Nixon and Bush should have oil removed from Stock Exchange/Market and Placed back in Commodes where the government can have more control.
  4. Gadaffi and Kock using the same tactic to fight Middle Class-Gadaffi provides $600.00 per citizen for support and also offers $3B to republican Party for support-Kock provides millions to Republican Party for support against Unions (Middle Class& Poor) citizens! .Gaddaffi gives $600 per person to Libyans trying to keep them in his camp!
  5. “Saudi King Abdullah announced on Friday billions of dollars in handouts for his people and boosted his security apparatus in a renewed effort to shield the world's top oil exporter from unrest rocking the Arab world. (Middle East Unrest - Saudi King Orders More Handouts, Security Boost - General * Europe * News * Story - CNBC.com, 18 Mar 2011)


The basic problem in America is also seen in the other nations that are experiencing citizen revolts (i. e. Egypt, Libya, Iran, Saudi Arabia, England, Germany, etc), The problem is essentially the Wealthy/Money/The haves VS the Middle Class and poor, the have nots! History has classically recorded these recurring conflicts in 1. The revolution for The Magna Crater English charter originally issued on 15 June 1215, 2. French Revolutions began in 1789, 4. Bill of Rights the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. Etc.

Whenever the Institution of Economics becomes so powerful and gains an inordinate amount of wealth, it eventually chooses to do harm to the other Institutions of, Family, Education, Religion, and of course Government.

The five institutions of a civilized society are there to support each other and the people or at the least do no harm. However, because of the fact that the people that rise to the top of the Economic Institution possess the charter of Greed, Amorality, and Criminal behavior great harm is done to the basic institution of Family, the people.

This is where America is in its history to the “Great Conflict” of wealth VS Middle Class and poor! However, America's Constitution has provided mechanisms that allow for corrections and changes without the use of the final tool of history. That of revolution and violence!

The critical question here is, “can America proceed to use these Constitutional constructs successfully in this crisis in the road” or “Will the Tea Party types and the GOP Congressman that in a poll showed that 75% do not believe in science and ‘Elite Logic’ bring violence to this confrontation of wealth and Middle Class Americans?”

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD
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