About Me

Dr. J. (James) Alva Scruggs received a B. S. degree in Chemistry from Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, M. S. in Chemistry from Southern Connecticut State University, M. A./ Degree in Urban Studies from Occidental College, and a Doctorate in Education Administration from the University of Massachusetts.

Monday, December 09, 2013


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(Unedited/Unabridged 2013)


Today I was reading a very interesting and revealing article in the “Gantt Report!” It was providing some insight into this generation of young people. The article called them “The Me Generation.” This generation proceeding the era of active rights demonstrations appear to take little notice or interest in things other than those that of a personal quality. dads or moms home for free The “Me Generation” spend their time chilling, “X boxing,” shopping for such personal things as sneakers ($200.00 to $400.00 a pair/pop), mobil/cell phones, making “booty” calls, and being caught up by “Black Boy” round-ups, etc. When asked about discrimination (i.e. sex, race, ethnic) or civil and political issues they look at you as if you were some alien force taking up their valuable time! They may say, “That is old time. There is none of that now.” It is peculiar when you are looking at and talking to college graduates, who are unemployed, in fact never had more than a temporary job without benefits, and still living in their dad and mom’s home!!

            This started us to look for factors that have brought our children to this point. There seem to be several factors that come to mind.


  1. Although our generation was having its problems over discrimination in education, getting jobs, promotion on the job, and just living while Black, we kept this from our children in order to spare them the stress of such a condition. We though that the next generation would have it somewhat better.
  2.  This bit of living history was essentially kept from our children in our integrated institutions of education and so forth. Among the four families we know personally that had children (there were at least 12children considered) and having finished college, not one Black male had found permanent employment. They had all the ambitions and needs of any mature male but none of the working priviledges to support their needs.
  3. Too many Black Religious Leaders have become “Predatory Vulture Capitalist” “Civil Rights Pimps” using the beliefs of Religion as leverage to good living and wealth while surpressing the facts!


I recall the incident when a cross was burned on my front lawn in Connecticut in the sixties, Instead of calling my family to witness this; I sent them to the basement and took a garden hose, put out the fire and placed the cross in the trash. What I should he done is involved the whole family and all took care this burning cross burning followed by a complete explanation of the reason the cross was burning.

In the school system where my children were attending, no Black student had ever graduated and attended college. In fact all the college bound courses were held on the third floor of the High School and no Black student was allowed to go on that floor. I decided to get on the Board of Education and try or change this situation. I was successful and all my daughters attended the college bound courses graduated with honors and attended Yale, Brandice, FAMU, and Taladegia. But again I never explained this to my family and today I am hearing that this condition of disparit treatment is old time and no longer important. They say this as they returned to their room in their family’s home!!            

            Moreover, clean non violent (submissive) view of desperate (racist) treatment is the mind set that the white institutions have provided our youth. They can ride the bus and sit anywhere, buy things of pleasure, but presently they do not have the resources to participte because of the continual lack of excess to resources! Presently 40 % of Black Boys are on lock down or probation, 70% have only temporary employment and not even aware of why. The facts suggest that Black “Me Generation” Boys are still subject to discrimination because of plain old ignorance.        

            Finally, These “Me Generation” Black Boys must be looked at as willing members of a classic “Cult!” They will have to be deprogrammed using a severe discrepant event of a medical or psycholocal nature nearing demise. Followed by a reprogramming using aggressive douses of truth and good information.

            As long as a people allow their oppressors to provide them their history they will always be slaves. Yes. the conditions of oppression remains today, however, it is disguised and institutionalzed for the consumption of the disenfranchised!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Scruggs Life After Death!!!



TO: Family& Friends


I  am not getteng married nor am I having a baby, But my resent recovery and REBIRTH has prensented me with the opportunity to make a new and better shot at the few years I may have left (after age 82). I think that I should be very happy if for my rebirth I should receive/presented for Christmas an item from the list of gifts that could make my new life easier:

  1. Electric Pressure cooker
  2.  Bread maker
  3.  Bathroom Scales 
  4. Deep frier
  5. Ice Cream maker
  6. Flat Wear
  7. Much Love and understanding
  8. Coffee Cups with picture of my Grand Daughter and Family


Love, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013




One of the seldom talked about culture of America’s Capitalist System is the acceptance of human an as a part of the profit and production process!! In other words, in the production and/or conduct of an enterprise for profit is human deaths or as it is pleasantly called “Collateral Damage.” Capitalist have calculated that it cost much more to institute safety measures than to pay for any suite that may occur from people that are killed or injured from the work they are assigned to do!

            The history of Capitalism has recorded the following on tha acceptance of death:

  1. The Cost Of The Panama Canal: 500 Dead Per Mile (or 48 miles X 500= about 24000 deaths) – Mostly Black Bajans. 
  2. Suez Canal -. Lesseps forced hundreds of thousands of Egyptians over a ten-year period of the construction of the Suez Canal. 120,000 slaves died in the projec
  3. The Coal Minig Industry records-  Coal According to earlier Xinhua reports, citing safety and mine officials, 4,746 people died in mine accidents in 2006; 3,786 in 2007; 3,214 in 2008 and 2,631 in 2009. Huang said his administration closed 21,200 illegal coalmines and slashed the number of small-scale mining operations from 18,145 to 9,042 over the past five years.
  4.  Structural Iron works, how many Structural iron and steel workers die per year? Based on the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics data, there were 18 annual fatalities for Structural iron and steel workers, or 30.3 deaths per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers.
  5. The Oil industry- Injury Research in the Offshore Oil and Gas Extraction Industry- During 2003-2008, 648 oil and gas extraction workers were killed on the job (onshore and offshore, combined), resulting in an annual fatality rate of 29.1 deaths per 100,000 workers, over seven times the rate for all US workers. Nearly 11 percent of the industry’s fatalities occur offshore; during 2003-2008, 69 fatalities occurred among offshore oil and gas extraction workers. With 23.5 deaths for every 100,000 workers, mining places above industrial fishing, forestry, and agriculture.
  6. Diamonds-Gold- THIRTY-SIX thousand, mostly Blacks men have been killed in accidents on the gold mines since the beginning of the century. Untold others have died from septicaemia and other diseases contracted as a result of accidental injury. Many more have lost limbs or eyes, or have been otherwise disabled. The annual death toll from accidents on South African mines fluctuates around 800. The figure for i960 was close to 1,400 because of the Coalbrook disaster of January 21. In Britain the number of deaths from mining accidents seldom exceeds 200 a year.
  7. Dams- Because large conventional dammed-hydro facilities hold back large volumes of water, a failure due to poor construction, natural disasters or sabotage can be catastrophic to downriver settlements and infrastructure. Dam failures have been some of the largest man-made disasters in history. The Banqiao Dam failure in Southern China directly resulted in the deaths of 26,000 people, and another 145,000 from epidemics. Millions were left homeless. Also, the creation of a dam in a geologically inappropriate location may cause disasters such as 1963 disaster at Vajont Dam in Italy, where almost 2000 people died.  Smaller dams andmicro hydro facilities create less risk, but can form continuing hazards even after being decommissioned. For example, the small  Kelly Barnes Dam failed in 1967, causing 39 deaths with the Toccoa Flood, ten years after its power plant was decommissioned.
  8. How many deaths must occor before a city puts up a traffic light at an intersection-How many children must be killed by gun owners before the nation will try to legislate some reasonable gun control??


Dr. J. Alva Scruggs,  BS, MS, MA, EdD
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