About Me

Dr. J. (James) Alva Scruggs received a B. S. degree in Chemistry from Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, M. S. in Chemistry from Southern Connecticut State University, M. A./ Degree in Urban Studies from Occidental College, and a Doctorate in Education Administration from the University of Massachusetts.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Taxes per se' is not bad word-


(WRITTEN 2011)



Taxes per se' is not bad word-

Progressive taxes are good! The most fair/progressive tax is what is generally called a “Flat Tax” on all income (i. e. 10% or something). Taxes are the only method a government can raise funds to support the required activities of a healthy government. However, taxes have become a powerful tool to instill fear and emotion into citizens and get votes for people that intend to do harm to the nation. Conservatives on particular, have made taxes a dirty word that when used is followed by the dropping of an eyelid (wink) and spitting into the dust!

American cannot recovery it solvency without facing this subject head on. Here are some things that the US can place in its to do list.


  1. The present tax rate on business should be repealed immediately! (Sam Pizzigati, “Tax, Tax, Tax the Rich!" Calls to Tax Wealthy Making Right Wingers Sweat? A simple but powerful chant is now starting to reverberate, all across the country, in protests against budgets cuts gone wild. March 20, 2011)
  2. “At This time the government should be trying to retrieve all funds of tax evasion being held in off shore accounts at this time! (Adrian Cox, Frances Williams, Bern and Joanna Chung, Financial Times FT.com Companies US claims 52,000 hid UBS accounts, February 19 2009) “There are as many as 52,000 American customers hiding UBS accounts from the authorities in violation of tax laws, a US government lawsuit against the Swiss bank alleged on Thursday, February 20 2009) It alleged, “The Department of Justice filed a suit seeking to force UBS to disclose the holders of accounts with about $14.8 trillion in assets.
  3. The Federal Tax code should be made more progressive by passing a “Flat Tax” of about ten percent on all income! This could generate about 10% of the Gross National Income (GNI=$10 trillion) or about one trillion dollars per year


  1. Obama must cease the opportunity in the mist of the earth quake Tsumie and Nuclear tragedy. offer Japan businesses to move their manufacturing to “floor space in America” using 50% American workers and 50% Japanese workers while Japan recover their national health! It is the American thing to do!
  2. Mr. President, take Oil; off the Stock Market, placer it in commodities using the same existing legislation (used in reverse for their oil buddies) by Nixon and Bush, then raise the price (taxes) by One dollar per gallon, use the funds gained to invest in clean energy and infrastructure, etc. Let the Oil companies fight and cry over these redirected profits!!
  3. To stop Oil gouging, OBAMA like Nixon and Bush should have oil removed from Stock Exchange/Market and Placed back in Commodes where the government can have more control.
  4. Gadaffi and Kock using the same tactic to fight Middle Class-Gadaffi provides $600.00 per citizen for support and also offers $3B to republican Party for support-Kock provides millions to Republican Party for support against Unions (Middle Class& Poor) citizens! .Gaddaffi gives $600 per person to Libyans trying to keep them in his camp!
  5. “Saudi King Abdullah announced on Friday billions of dollars in handouts for his people and boosted his security apparatus in a renewed effort to shield the world's top oil exporter from unrest rocking the Arab world. (Middle East Unrest - Saudi King Orders More Handouts, Security Boost - General * Europe * News * Story - CNBC.com, 18 Mar 2011)


The basic problem in America is also seen in the other nations that are experiencing citizen revolts (i. e. Egypt, Libya, Iran, Saudi Arabia, England, Germany, etc), The problem is essentially the Wealthy/Money/The haves VS the Middle Class and poor, the have nots! History has classically recorded these recurring conflicts in 1. The revolution for The Magna Crater English charter originally issued on 15 June 1215, 2. French Revolutions began in 1789, 4. Bill of Rights the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. Etc.

Whenever the Institution of Economics becomes so powerful and gains an inordinate amount of wealth, it eventually chooses to do harm to the other Institutions of, Family, Education, Religion, and of course Government.

The five institutions of a civilized society are there to support each other and the people or at the least do no harm. However, because of the fact that the people that rise to the top of the Economic Institution possess the charter of Greed, Amorality, and Criminal behavior great harm is done to the basic institution of Family, the people.

This is where America is in its history to the “Great Conflict” of wealth VS Middle Class and poor! However, America's Constitution has provided mechanisms that allow for corrections and changes without the use of the final tool of history. That of revolution and violence!

The critical question here is, “can America proceed to use these Constitutional constructs successfully in this crisis in the road” or “Will the Tea Party types and the GOP Congressman that in a poll showed that 75% do not believe in science and ‘Elite Logic’ bring violence to this confrontation of wealth and Middle Class Americans?”

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD
Look Forward to Your Comments
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Saturday, June 16, 2012



(Unedited/Unabridged 2011)

Laissez-Faire-unregulated Capitalism Should Be as Dead as Soviet Communism. Capitalism, Laissez-Faire or without regulations is subject to greed, amorality, mean spirited exploitation which makes an institution that will harm all other institutions in a civilized society! This is why American and the world have been brought to an economic clasp in the 2000s! The Routhchilds set the seeds of this Capitalism disaster in the 1700s.

The collapse of Communism as a political system sounded the death knell for Marxism as an ideology. But while laissez-faire capitalism has been a monumental failure in practice, and soundly defeated at the polls, the ideology is still alive and kicking. It has survived by being sold as a natural institution controlled by a Natural Law called, “The Free Market System”! This Free Market System is described as one of self-regulating constructs that if left alone without regulation wills self regulate and serve to the betterment of all civilizations. It will in the end “do no harm” to humans!!

The only place you can find an American Marxist these days is teaching a college linguistic theory class. But you can find all manner of free market fundamentalists still on the Senate floor or in Governor's mansions or showing up on TV trying to peddle the deregulation snake oil.

            This seems to have been recognized in the early eighteenth century. When kings and Queens wanted to do business and move large resources of Gold, silver, and precious jewels they had to send them by overland and sea modes of transpiration. This made it easy for enterprising pirates to hijack the ransoms as they were moved about and make off with the booty. But then a very smart tribe or group of people got together and concluded that if they could take responsibility for this movement of wealth they would have control of the life blood of the nations. This brilliance was attributed to the Rothschilds. These people form a trust group, a The Rothschild Octopus, with tentacles in many countries and moved or made transactions by the words or mouth or passage of paper promises sent from one person to another.

The Rothschilds took the American Banking Industry in 1813. (Thomas D. Schauf, THE FEDERAL RESERVE IS A PRIVATELY OWNED CORPORATION, Americans Have Been Deceived and Stolen From by the Privately Held Federal Reserve Banking System, 1992)  Rothschild, a London Banker, wrote a letter saying, "It (Central Bank ) gives the National Bank almost complete control of national finance. The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class...The great body of the people, mentally incapable of comprehending, will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical (contrary) to their best interests." The Rothschilds idea/seed/organization did not die, they simply depart into history, and their sons and grandsons inconspicuously take their place/system.

This meant that no one would know when money was being sent and the debts were easily and promptly paid on the receiver end. This required a profound condition of trust one in the other and a system of insuring that no one would or could betray the trust of the other and honor the security of moving wreath. It is not so important to dwell on the who as to dwell on the system that is live, secretative, powerful, ongoing and dangerous to the health of nations! If you understand this system you can see that in America the movement of money is the foundation of well being of the nation. When a central bank (i. e. The Federal Reserve) controls the money lines and raises the interest it is felt by all pipelines of money in the country. It appears that President Andrew Jackson was the only one of our presidents whose administration totally understood this system when he abolished the National Debt, condemned the international bankers as a "den of vipers" which he was determined to "rout out" of the fabric of American life. Jackson claimed that if only the American people understood how these vipers operated on the American scene "there would a revolution before morning."  This was a clean and open strike at the Rothschild plan for world control and money profiteering. 

Moreover, it would be useful to list briefly the chartered intent of this Rothschild monster. The Rothschild plans were comprehensive and long range. They included the areas of, Population control, Food control (i.e. change in weather), Control of freshwater, Control of energy, Control of weaponry, Control of politics, and etc.. The Rothschild cartel/system owns about 94% of communications in the USA!!

What has effectively brought down America and the world was Wall Street Casino, Packaging or "Derivatives.” (Joshua Holland, 'American Casino': How Our Nation's Financial Sector Became a Massive and Unregulated Gambling Operation, http://www.alternet.org/story/142267/, September 5, 2009) In this scheme, bad or toxic mortgages were packaged with to some good and sold on world market. This Allowed insider speculators to buy or bet for pennies, on a Derivative to go down while buying insurance on the bad investment then collecting on the loss and still owning the property. American Government guaranteed these investments! However, when the debts were called in in mass the speculators took their profits sent the money out of country and closed down the functioning of the whole world.

It is easily seen that Americans are free to be free in the circle of institutions that leave the money system alone. All of this racism, sexism, gay movement, death panel for killing old folk, Medical Care Reform, FEMA, Terrorist Act, “The Intellectually Challenged, Emotionally Ignorant” hollowing, “give me back my America,” and etc is nothing but a side show inside a side show. This chaos only makes it possible for the moneychangers to operate without notice or protest! What must be realized is that until the life's blood, money, of the engine is taken under government control, all the posturing and energy of making and keeping resources is only done at the pleasure of the people, who move the money.

It will take a brilliant powerful leader to bring down this evil from the backs of society. But we all can do what we must! Raise our voices loud and often!!

Take Sen. John Ensign, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, who went on Face the Nation and, with a straight face, said of the economic meltdown: "Unfortunately, it was allowed to be portrayed that this was a result of deregulation, when in fact it was a result of over regulation." Or Gov. Mark Sanford, who told Joe Scarborough he was against bailing out the auto industry because it would "threaten the very free-market-based system that has created the wealth that this country has enjoyed." If a politician announced he was running on a platform of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" he would be laughed off the stage. That is also the correct response to anyone who continues to make the case that markets do best when left alone.

It's time to drive the final nail into the coffin of laissez-faire capitalism by treating it like the discredited ideology it inarguably is. If not, the Dr. Frankensteins of the right will surely try to revive the monster and send it marauding through our economy once again. We've only just begun to bury the financially dead, and the free market fundamentalists are already looking to deflect the blame.

In a comprehensive piece on what led to the mortgage crisis and the subsequent financial meltdown, the New York Times shows how the Bush administration's devotion to unregulated markets was a primary cause of our economy to ruin. But the otherwise fascinating piece puts too much focus on the "mistakes" the Bush team made by not paying attention to the warning signs popping up all around them. "There is no question we did not recognize the severity of the problems," claimed Al Hubbard, Bush's former chief economic adviser. "Had we, we would have attacked them."

But the mistake wasn't in not recognizing the "severity of the problems" -- the mistake was the ideology that led to the problems. Communism didn't fail because Soviet leaders didn't execute it well enough. Same with free market fundamentalism. In fact, Bush and his team did a bang-up job executing a defective theory. The problem wasn't just the bathwater; the baby itself is rotten to the core.

William Seidman, the longtime GOP economic advisor who oversaw the S&L bailout in 1991, cuts to the chase: "This administration made decisions that allowed the free market to operate as a barroom brawl instead of a prize fight. To make the market work well, you have to have a lot of rules."

Even Alan Greenspan, whose owl-eyed visage would adorn a Mount Rushmore of unregulated capitalists, has begun to see the light, telling a House committee in October that he "made a mistake in presuming that the self-interests of organizations, specifically banks and others, were such that they were best capable of protecting their own shareholders and their equity in the firms."

But most Republicans are still refusing to see what's right in front of them. Especially Bush, our CEO president, who lays the blame not on the failures of the marketplace but on past administrations and corporate greed. "Wall Street got drunk," he says. Maybe so, but who made the last 8 years Happy Hour, and kept serving up the drinks?

Ben Smith reported that the GOP was launching "a new, in-house think tank aimed at reviving the party's policy heft." In a private memo explaining the think tank, RNC chairman Mike Duncan wrote: "We must show how our ideology can be applied to solve problems." But, of course, it's that very ideology that's causing the problems. It's like the old horror movie cliché: "We've traced the call -- it's coming from inside the house!"

Most recently, Romney campaigning for president said that if elected President he would let the “Capitalist Free market System” operate un regulated and it would save America by allowing the wealthy to gain un fettered profits which would eventually create jobs and the wealth would trickle down to the 99% that were presently suffering. But I the mean time the social programs that support the needed would be cut to force them to work harder and earn more for their families and survival!!

We've got to do everything we can to make sure there will be no sequels to this political horror. The blame shifters cannot be allowed to make their case without the truth being pointed out at every turn. It's time to relegate free market capitalist fundamentalists to the same standing as Marxist ideologues: intellectual curiosities occasionally trotted out as relics of a failed philosophy.

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs,  BS, MS, MA, Eddy
Look Forward to Your Comments
JSCRU5750 (at) AOL.COM

Blog:  http://franklyspeaking.info.blogspot.com
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Gantt Report

The Gantt Report
By Lucius Gantt
The Barack Obama campaign has finally released a “Black” political television ad. I say finally because a message to the President’s strongest supporters should have been released long ago.
Many reporters and columnists have mixed feelings about the advertisement. Some say the ad was “dumbed down” compared to other political ads that attempt to address or explain political issues. Others say it is somewhat corny.
I say it seems like the ad is a prime example of the Democratic Party any Negro will do strategy. The “We’ve Got Your Back’ suggestion in the ad is ludicrous! The background music is top fourty-ish and not Black enough, so to speak, or catchy enough to raise the interests of Black voters or non-registered Black citizens.
This is a serious election coming up in November and a comedy type ad will not generate the increased Black voter support that the President needs to secure his reelection.
There are some African Americans affiliated with Obama’s campaign efforts but they appear to be reluctant to or unable to tell the President how to motivate, encourage and inspire Black Americans.
Black people are concerned about government issues just like any of the other ethnic groups in America.
Why couldn’t an ad be produced that talked about plans to address joblessness in the Black community? Why couldn’t an ad be produced about unfair and selective prosecution of Black judicial litigants. Why couldn’t a commercial be released and aired that talked about increased government contract opportunities for Black businesspersons?
Those type ads couldn’t be done because those ads would be unacceptable to the President's trusted white advisors that historically felt that Black voters could and should be ignored and taken for granted.
White women, Hispanics and many other groups of voters have benefited from the President's outreach work in their communities. Even gays have raised their voices and demanded that the President change his views on gay issues like same sex marriage in order to get their votes, support and campaign contributions.
But all African Americans get is Amos and Andy type advertising that encourages us to vote for the Black guy that’s a Democrat
You don’t have to take my word for anything you’ve read so far but believe this: The 2012 Presidential race is closer that you could imagine and President Obama will need an extraordinary turnout to be victorious in November!
No disrespect to the Reverends Sharpton and Jackson and others that tell us to vote for the Black guy no matter what. But if those guys can’t get votes for themselves why in hell would you think if you pay them millions of dollars they can generate a landslide of votes for you.
The President’s team can and will get 90% of the Black vote. However, if the total turnout of African American voters is less than 80%, the 90% of votes cast will mean little or nothing.
The Republican Party, the Tea Party, the Super PACs and others trying to defeat President Barack Obama are very organized. They will also try to buy the election by spending more billions than the President will spend.
I applaud the President’s effort to try to make an ad that will appeal to Black voters. But, the advertisements must be Black and speak out strongly on issues of important to African Americans and the ads cannot just be dipped in chocolate as Obama’s white campaign consultants have suggested.
“We’ve Got Your Back” means nothing to me at election time if you have not helped me get a job, get me affordable health, get me government contract opportunities care or save my home after four years in office. ( Buy Gant's book "Beast Too: Dead Man Writing" at any major bookstore, Like The Gantt Report of Faceboook and contact Lucius at www.allworldconsultants.net)

Thursday, June 07, 2012



(Unedited/Unabridged 2012)

      I shed a tear last night when Big Money of the “GOP nar-do-goods'” proved that right and good can be taken from Americans voters of a fifth grade education. America must cry, cry; cry together (as the song goes)! The head lines read, “Scott Walker Defeats Tom Barrett In Wisconsin Recall Election (UPDATE).” (Amanda Terkel, 06/05/2012) It is not so much that this was “a” win for the bad guys as it was an indication of how easy it is to sway American voters to vote against their best. In addition, many are saying that this is an indication of how the Presidential election will go when the GOP machine spends $2 billion plus dollars to influence and subvert this democratic process. What did America and democracy loose?

            First America lost the belief that what is good for the voter is not what will carry an election. In other wards, money can buy an election. 2. Even a charlatans and a criminal can not be voted out of office if the PR and propaganda money is available enough to sway the voter. 3. That sophisticated psychology and talented Public Relation Firms are more powerful than facts, and truth is not all that matters!! 4. Empowered the challenges of democrat process to take the subversive steps to rule the nation!!

Further, if and when the government is captured by the wealth, Far Right GOP and it’s Tea Party affiliates there present group of American of the X Generation and the twenty 1st century unemployed college graduates have no understanding of what has happened to them and how to fight the co elation of Corporate, greedy, amoral, criminal Wealthy Capitalism that have destroyed the dully elected representatives of their Government t. Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to get this generation of Americans to understand that propaganda has brought them a poison spin on data and empirical in formation which makes them an easy target for the slavery of an exploiting economic machine. I have eight Black ale graduates from college (last five years) that do not have a clue of why they are having so much trouble finding employment! Yes, the “Baby Boomers,” Black hanging to segregation to Jim Crow to integration to sophisticated racism generation” has been unable to pass on the still existing sexist, racist, homophobic , bigoted, greedy conditions in a way that will give them the weapons to recognize and resist their mutual oppression. Our American Constitution is truly in danger of becoming , in the words of G. W. Bush, just a piece of paper!

Finally, at this time the public perception and conversation is being controlled by a small population of mainly white brain washed males, convenienced by their own propaganda that they are the top of the intellectual pyramid with the mis notion that “Capitalism is a Natural Phenomenon and Law” of institutional prosperity. In addition, they are intellectually stick without the ability or ability to reason beyond this present day “cause on effect tragedy,” of Greed, Amorality, in this predatory capitalism, has wrote. Thus they do not have the incentive nor mandate to increase their understanding enough to move to a more real intelligent civilized position! Further, others cannot challenge them because they too have been conditioned to accept this absurd role model!

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD
Look Forward to Your Comments
JSCRU5750 (at) AOL.COM

Blog: http://franklyspeaking.info.blogspot.com
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