About Me

Dr. J. (James) Alva Scruggs received a B. S. degree in Chemistry from Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, M. S. in Chemistry from Southern Connecticut State University, M. A./ Degree in Urban Studies from Occidental College, and a Doctorate in Education Administration from the University of Massachusetts.

Friday, February 17, 2006


Jeb-G. Dubbya don’t forget Hussein threatened daddy (Downing Street Memo, Year 2000).
G. W.-Yeh, Jeb as soon as possible I’m gonner pay him back.
Jeb-Yeh, G. W., now how about me declaring war on California or maybe Massachusetts?
Jeb-Oliver North and J. liddy are not really busy now.
G. W.-No, Karl says that you can’t make war on another state. It won’ look too good. Besides, we already own their oil.
Jeb-But there always has to be a first time, Bro.
G. W.-But Jeb, you can’t forget the way that jigger school attacked me in 2000. They can’t be allowed to get away with that. That is your war!!
Jeb- “I got something for them though. This is war!! I’m going to strangle them with their own mother’s milk! I’m going to give them three tits fully loaded and when they get blotted bellies I’ll let the bitch get her liquor back. They will not know when they are drunk or why they are drunk. We keep the TV camera on then. The minute you put a camera of the jigger their mouth fly open and they start to dance a jig right over the cliff!!”.
G. W.-Yeh Jeb, money is like that. I sure wish they had some oil though.
But, G. W. Maybe I can declare war on Cuba then they have sugar. We can control making fuel out of this sugar. We already have the Guantonimo Gulag for a jumping off place. Well, Jeb I don’t know about that. I will ask Cheney if you can get away with that.
But now Jeb, back to that Jigger school. What was its name? FAMU isn’t it? You must take my revenge for me! Popper would like that. Move the President and start to appoint some Jiggers leaders with the profiles The Republican Party has set-up of a good Jigger! Come on up and you can spend some time with Thomas and Rice to get a feel for a good Jigger.
Well G. W. I have already started to put in my Jigger Presidents and intend to keep them moving until I see that they have destroyed this school. I have moved three Presidents in as many years!
Say Hay, Bro do you realize that this FAMU Jigger school has four past and present President on salary now at the same time!! They are spending about $! Million dollars plus a year benefits for presidents. No other school in Florida is showing such high malfesiences? I will keep the money moving so fast that they will strangle on their own greed. Every Jigger in the known world will be looking at this as their chance to cut the others’ throat to get their time in the sun. They will be so confused from their ego and blood lust that they won’t even have a football team and you know what that means to a jigger (Billy Joe out st FAMU, Capital Outlook, June 14, 2005). His whole reason for living will be gone. His day in the sun will be a distant memory! They still can get their fried chicken, whisky, tight pussy and a warm place to shit. This seems to keep them tranquil and happy. Bro, these Jiggers are buying Lexus, Jaguars, million dollar homes, and traveling all over the place on this unreliable income. They don’t see the disaster coming.
This latest Jigger is perfect. She is a real Sapphire looking for Amos, Andy and Hoochie Mama to gig. I’ve started grooming her years ago (Ron Matus, To fix FAMU, she brings a heavy hand, StPeretsburg Times, June 20, 2005). I started her in the Community College system. Her own father said that raised her as a son and told her to find a good woman and settle down, Ha, Ha, Ha!!. She is a Son-of-a-Gun!! She will have to earn her balls every day!
Between her Estrogen and Testosterone surges she will screw up the mind of every male who has any semblance of a backbone and make sure that the women know who has the bigger balls in this fight. Never ask a man to do what a manly girl can do better. This President has them all beating the monkey every day. This is like a super, vicious. Bloody Mary Queen of Scotts. How about sending Bolton down as administrator of the Grants for Black Education Institutions. Give him a day or two and the school will be the south campus of FSU.
But I am still busy turning the state into a “Corporate State Government." By 2006 all Florida state services and resources will be privatized with the exception of the Governor’s office. The Florida State Police is the last to go. Like to wicked “Bitch” of the west said, “ The last to go will see all the other agencies go before them.” No Jeb, Karl says that it was the wicked “Witch” of the west who said that. G. W., he is right but you haven’t met this President! Jeb, don’t you worry, if it looks like you are loosing I will declare FAMU a terrorist training institution and send in the National Security Strom Troopers!!
As a true and loyal Alumni of FAMU I say, “God save the Queen; and then save FAMU!!”
Dr. J. Alva ScruggsLook Forward to Your Comments E-MAIL JSCRU5750 (at) AOL.COMWebsite ; http://franklyspeaking.info