About Me

Dr. J. (James) Alva Scruggs received a B. S. degree in Chemistry from Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, M. S. in Chemistry from Southern Connecticut State University, M. A./ Degree in Urban Studies from Occidental College, and a Doctorate in Education Administration from the University of Massachusetts.

Monday, October 10, 2011



(Unedited/Unabridged 2011)

What is our America coming to?? Today on TV “The Wall Street Protests” were called “A mob without objectives” and The Tea Party (TP) was called “A powerful legitimate movement with well defined objectives!” It seems that the mentally ill, intellectually Challenged, Racist, Sexist nar-do-well, bottom feeders are now true American standard and the well educated thoughtful elite are a group of low class citizens.

            It would be laughable if it were not for big wealth funds that have supported these TPers and pulled them from under the rock where they have rightfully been hiding. The objective of the wealthy is to destroy Government and establish “The Wealth of Capitalist” as the moral and powerful leader of the nation. These TPers are being used for reasons not yet discovered by this mob of dangerous mental Lilliputians!    

            This travesty of leadership has gone so far as to having a group led by The Tea Party conducting an American Constitution Revision Committee (Located at Harvard presently). The power of this mob has by some means gotten elected to Congress and is constantly denying the function of the whole American political process. Nothing seems to be able to be done unless the mental aberrations of the few Tea Partiers are not met. The basic process of doing the peoples business has come to a halt! This is like the retarded member of the family conducting all family business. The family no longer has the pleasure of ignoring these mental midgets and find themselves on a fast track to disaster. This past week the Tea Party reached into my persona life l and told me that not having a photo ID I could not dive nor vote. The shame is almost more than a man can bare!

            To avoid insulting this GOP mob, the whole GOP has to conduct its presidential campaign as a litany of childish slogans and dangerous rhetorical devise presentations. GOP candidates are saying, “Obama is a traitor, health care must be left to the individual (death is an American right, Mormons are not Christians, The whole nation has been forced to stop and provide some intelligent presentations to assure the public that intelligence still lives in the USA!

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs,  BS, MS, MA, EdD
Look Forward to Your Comments
JSCRU5750 (at) AOL.COM
Website ;


(Unedited/Unabridged 2011)

            In September 2011, while doing some business at my Credit Union I was informed that my drivers License had expired. I went in the web to The Loen County Tax Collectors to find out what it would take to get the license reinstated. I then called the Tax Collectors Office to verify the documentation I would need to get my License back. Both contracts informed me that I would need the expired license and three other identifying documents as Bank Statements, House Note, Utilities Bill, Auto Insurance Bill, etc.
            On October 7, 2001 I went to the Tax Collectors to reinstate my license. I was asked for my documentation for the transaction. I provided my Bank Statement, house note bill, utilities Bill, AAA card, Voting registration card, Auto registration, AARP Card, VISA Credit Card, Medicare Card, VISTA State Medical Insurance Card, etc. I was told that this was fine but now Satate and National Laws required me to have my “Birth Certificate or Passport and by the, way my voter registration was not valid until my photo identification on my Driver License was valid. It seems that not only was my driver’s license canceled but I Could not vote also.
            The Birth Certificate for an eighty year Old Black born in the South was nearly an impossibility to get. I was born in The Heart of Dixie, Alabama in the thirties. At that time no Blacks could go to a hospital for treatment or births. I was born on a kitchen table at my Grandmothers house. My name was placed in the family Bible and no birth certificate was filed, therefore, I cannot get a birth certificate.
            In addition when I went to register to vote in the forties I was given a literacy test in Chinese! After some great difficulty I did get my registeration to vote and have voted in every election sense the fifties, sixty years. I have had a Drivers License for some sixty years also. Now in 2011 I am denied drivers license and the right to vote because I have no valid Birth Certificate!! All of my identification is essentially null and void because of a birth certificate FROM Alabama. I am a non-person. I have attended eight universities and received three graduate degrees. I have been cleared “TOP Secret” by the federal government while working on projects for the Army, Air Force, and Navy. I have many Top Secret Patents and twenty or so publications in Chemical Journals. I have worked for forty-three years and contributed in the SS(Social Security) and I am presently retired for sixteen years with a pension from SS and The Florida Retirement System! I am an American.
A Pox on the GOP -a Pox on the Tea Party-a Pox on Karl Rove! Give me back my America!
            This will be the first time in sixty years that I have not been able to vote or drive! God how low can an American go in eighty years? Will the ministers of Grace and the Saints above help this poor old Darkie American man. Failing that, I appeal to a higher power, Reverend Al. Charpton, First Lady Michelle and President Obama, help me!!!

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD
Look Forward to Your Comments
JSCRU5750 (at) AOL.COM
Website ;

(Unedited/Unabridged 2011)

            In September 2011, while doing some business at my Credit Union I was informed that my drivers License had expired. I went in the web to The Loen County Tax Collectors to find out what it would take to get the license reinstated. I then called the Tax Collectors Office to verify the documentation I would need to get my License back. Both contracts informed me that I would need the expired license and three other identifying documents as Bank Statements, House Note, Utilities Bill, Auto Insurance Bill, etc.

            On October 7, 2001 I went to the Tax Collectors to reinstate my license. I was asked for my documentation for the transaction. I provided my Bank Statement, house note bill, utilities Bill, AAA card, Voting registration card, Auto registration, AARP Card, VISA Credit Card, Medicare Card, VISTA State Medical Insurance Card, etc. I was told that this was fine but now Satate and National Laws required me to have my “Birth Certificate or Passport and by the, way my voter registration was not valid until my photo identification on my Driver License was valid. It seems that not only was my driver’s license canceled but I Could not vote also.

            The Birth Certificate for an eighty year Old Black born in the South was nearly an impossibility to get. I was born in The Heart of Dixie, Alabama in the thirties. At that time no Blacks could go to a hospital for treatment or births. I was born on a kitchen table at my Grandmothers house. My name was placed in the family Bible and no birth certificate was filed, therefore, I cannot get a birth certificate.

            In addition when I went to register to vote in the forties I was given a literacy test in Chinese! After some great difficulty I did get my registeration to vote and have voted in every election sense the fifties, sixty years. I have had a Drivers License for some sixty years also. Now in 2011 I am denied drivers license and the right to vote because I have no valid Birth Certificate!! All of my identification is essentially null and void because of a birth certificate FROM Alabama. I am a non-person. I have attended eight universities and received three graduate degrees. I have been cleared “TOP Secret” by the federal government while working on projects for the Army, Air Force, and Navy. I have many Top Secret Patents and twenty or so publications in Chemical Journals. I have worked for forty-three years and contributed in the SS(Social Security) and I am presently retired for sixteen years with a pension from SS and The Florida Retirement System! I am an American.

A Pox on the GOP -a Pox on the Tea Party-a Pox on Karl Rove! Give me back my America!

            This will be the first time in sixty years that I have not been able to vote or drive! God how low can an American go in eighty years? Will the ministers of Grace and the Saints above help this poor old Darkie American man. Failing that, I appeal to a higher power, Reverend Al. Charpton, First Lady Michelle and President Obama, help me!!!

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD
Look Forward to Your Comments
JSCRU5750 (at) AOL.COM
Website ;

Friday, October 07, 2011



There is nothing so silly & devastating as financial institutions that have made student loans and now threatening these college graduates for loan defaults. In addition, to add insult to injury, these loans have been sold at a discount to “Collection Agencies” that are harassing people for money that do not have and have no way to earn at this time. All this is taking place when there are no jobs available for American college graduates.

It seems that the government and universities must extend their programs into paid interimships to journeyman (One who has fully served an apprenticeship in a trade or craft and is a qualified worker in another's employ.
and/or apprenticeships as a standard part of the curriculum. Both public and private journeymen and practitioners must be provided funds to pay these potential working Americans in building the infrastructure, law enforcement, renewable energy sources, psychological services, health and management, etc. This concept should extent to all degrees including but not limited to social, scientific, and management degrees. When working as a research chemist, the company reported that it took about $40 thousand dollars to condition even an “Ivy League Graduate” to be a functional chemist! This type of arrangement is not new. It has been used more frequently in the crafts industries. The old jokes still will ask, “How many electrician apprentice will it take to replace one electric light bulb?” The serious point here is the hands of the apprentice will in time gain the skills of the journeyman and a new or expanded industry can be born!

A commitment like this will serve to assist in bringing down this unemployment rates and develop new industries for some for profit making industry later. However, the specter of capitalism for profit must not interfere with the initial investments of pubic funds into a suffering economic system.

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD