About Me

Dr. J. (James) Alva Scruggs received a B. S. degree in Chemistry from Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, M. S. in Chemistry from Southern Connecticut State University, M. A./ Degree in Urban Studies from Occidental College, and a Doctorate in Education Administration from the University of Massachusetts.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Goverment garnishes Social Security Check of 80+ year ols father for son's student loans!!

Please after reading this real letter describing the reduction of my SS to collect for an Educational Loan made by my son while In college, a loan that he has not been able to repay due to his ablilty to fInd a study job, send me your comments, support ($$$) and prayers at: Email jscru5750@aol.com or Blog site; www.http://franklyspeaking.info/blogspot.com !

Thank you so much.

The Honorable, William Nelson
United States Senate

The Honorable, President Obama

White House

April 25, 20212

James A. Scruggs

Email: jscru5750@aol.com

Dear Sirs or Madams:

My name is James A. Scruggs. I am retired after working for 43 years, as recorded in my Social Security records. I am trying to get a fair and just action to avoid having my small SS check garnished for loans made by my son in his education!

            I have four daughters and one son all who have graduated from college.  My girls have paid all of their educational loans themselves after graduation. However, my son, who graduated in 2008, has not been able to find regular employment that would enable him to repay his educational loans.

The DOE has thus taken action against my retirement SS income to recover these loans through The Department of Revenuer! I am disabled as certified by my Physician and DOE is presently processing papers to “forgive/discharge” these loans. However, the DOE action of forgiveness is being executed which is about two to three months behind that of the DOR action against my SS. All I am requesting is that the DOR at the least move this May 2012 date to at least August or September to allow the DOE action to forgive to be processed. I am told that only the DOE has the right and power to delay the DOR action in May against my social security check.

I am a law abiding, loyal, honest, hard-working American. I believe in America and educated all my family with the assistance of Government assistance. My daughters and son attended Yale, Brandice, Talladega, Florida A. and M. University. I have received a BS, MS, MA, and Doctorate and attended eight universities. As a Chemist, I am classified as “Top Secret” my Government. I am the only survivor of the first six Black chemist hired by TVA as chemist. The others passed in the execution of their duties making nerve gas, toxic fuel for the B 70, solid rocket fuels and etc. We were hired in our times to be used as the Jews were in Germany-having skills but expandable!! Times were hard but we were loyal to our country! I had to work from Alabama to Niagara Fall NY, to Connecticut, to Philadelphia, to Florida to keep an income for my family! I do not complain – I was one of the lucky ones to live and get a job where I could retired if I lived, and I did live, just barely! I am eighty years and seven months old which is longer than the average age of a Black male American (e. g. 64.6 years)

I beg you, I beseech you, and I employ you for my sake . . .. For the sake of fairness, For God’s sake - - -, to please use all the power of your offices and assist me in this matter by contacting the DOE and have them allow the DOR to delay this devastating deduction in my small SS check!! It is urgent for me!!!           


James A. Scruggs


Department of The Treasury

Financial Management Service


Windham Professionals

Debt Collector



Saturday, April 28, 2012


Please after reading this real latter describing the reduction of my SS to collect for an Educational Loan made by my son while I n college, a loan that he has not been able to repay due to his ablilty to fond a study job, sen d me your comments, support ($$$) and prayers at: Email jscru5750@aol.com or Blog site; http://franklyspeaking.info/blogspot.com !

Thank you so much.

The Honorable, William Nelson
United States Senate

The Honorable, President Obama

White House

April 25, 20212

James A. Scruggs

Email: jscru5750@aol.com

Dear Sirs or Madams:

My name is James A. Scruggs. I am retired after working for 43 years, as recorded in my Social Security records. I am trying to get a fair and just action to avoid having my small SS check garnished for loans made by my son in his education!

            I have four daughters and one son all who have graduated from college.  My girls have paid all of their educational loans themselves after graduation. However, my son, who graduated in 2008, has not been able to find regular employment that would enable him to repay his educational loans.

The DOE has thus taken action against my retirement SS income to recover these loans through The Department of Revenuer! I am disabled as certified by my Physician and DOE is presently processing papers to “forgive/discharge” these loans. However, the DOE action of forgiveness is being executed which is about two to three months behind that of the DOR action against my SS. All I am requesting is that the DOR at the least move this May 2012 date to at least August or September to allow the DOE action to forgive to be processed. I am told that only the DOE has the right and power to delay the DOR action in May against my social security check.

I am a law abiding, loyal, honest, hard-working American. I believe in America and educated all my family with the assistance of Government assistance. My daughters and son attended Yale, Brandice, Talladega, Florida A. and M. University. I have received a BS, MS, MA, and Doctorate and attended eight universities. As a Chemist, I am classified as “Top Secret” my Government. I am the only survivor of the first six Black chemist hired by TVA as chemist. The others passed in the execution of their duties making nerve gas, toxic fuel for the B 70, solid rocket fuels and etc. We were hired in our times to be used as the Jews were in Germany-having skills but expandable!! Times were hard but we were loyal to our country! I had to work from Alabama to Niagara Fall NY, to Connecticut, to Philadelphia, to Florida to keep an income for my family! I do not complain – I was one of the lucky ones to live and get a job where I could retired if I lived, and I did live, just barely! I am eighty years and seven months old which is longer than the average age of a Black male American (e. g. 64.6 years)

I beg you, I beseech you, and I employ you for my sake . . .. For the sake of fairness, For God’s sake - - -, to please use all the power of your offices and assist me in this matter by contacting the DOE and have them allow the DOR to delay this devastating deduction in my small SS check!! It is urgent for me!!!           


James A. Scruggs


Department of The Treasury

Financial Management Service


Windham Professionals

Debt Collector



Wednesday, April 25, 2012


(Unedited/Unabridged 2011)

Americans must instill in their minds that the rate of the economic recovery can only improve at a faster rate if, and only if, the manufacturing machines, equipment, and work is brought back to the US soil. However, our capitalist corporate industry moved these jobs to cheap third world labor along with all the equipment and machines deliberately to increase profits by providing the foreign labors with the lowest possible wages. This denied their fellow American citizens the wages that provided them a chance at the good middle class life.

In other words, Obama cannot speed up this recovery by creating absolutely new jobs and equipment and the new skills to do the new labor!!! This is why the GOP and the wealthy are deliberately withholding the return of these imported manufacturing industry back to the US. More than one-third of executives at big manufacturing firms say they're either considering moving production into the U.S. from China, or that they're already planning to do it, according to a recent poll from the Boston Consulting Group.  (By Alexander Eichler, Manufacturing Companies Considering Moving Jobs Back To U.S. From China, Survey Finds, The Huffington Post, 04/20/2012) However, the GOP and corporations are working to make Obama’s recovery as slow and difficult as possible! As a matter of fact and in addition, all of the financial institutions have joined. Therefore, all institutions are working against the so called, “Obama Recovery “. The GOP is truly making Obama a one-term president.

Finally, the cause of this strong coalition against is not only the obscene profit margins but also the fact that Obama is a Black President!

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD                                               
Look Forward to Your Comments
JSCRU5750 (at) AOL.COM

Blog: http://franklyspeaking.info.blogspot.com
Website ;


(Unedited/Unabridged 2012)

Although it is easy to see that the only way that Obama can speed up this economic recovery is that corporations bring back to American soil that manufacturing and equipment transferred to third world countries. It is reported that the US lost 1.9 million jobs when industry moved their manufacturing and associated equipment to China alone!  A reversal is not so easy to do not because of the logistics of making thismove. It is very hard because if industry were to try to remove these factories from a nation like China it would be taken as an “Act of War!!”

The movement of American manufacturing to third world cheap labor not only increased the bottom line for corporations, it also supercharged the growing moves to prosperity of these nations, especially China. This has made many American middle class workers poor and without hope of up-ward mobility while providing third world nations a faster path into the 21 industrial century!

The loss of these American jobs that were created by American industry moving to China has quickly made China a real superpower in this century! This was not only an economic move by corporations; it was setting of National and International policies. The power of this critical movement has set American policies toward other nations without the approval or actions of either the Congress or the President and changed the world forever. (Robert E. Scott, The China Trade and Jobs, Alliance fir America, 2012)

This not the fault of Obama. It was absolutely the fault of The GOP, President G. W. Bush in cohutes with big industry!

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs,  BS, MS, MA, EdD                 
Look Forward to Your Comments
JSCRU5750 (at) AOL.COM

Blog: http://franklyspeaking.info.blogspot.com
Website ;

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


(Unedited/Unabridged 2011)
America’s Institutions of “Organized Religion” is grossly negligent I in at the least two of their primary missions, 1. The keeper of morality and 2. Leadership in the conduct of acceptable activities in philosophical human behavior. (Shattering the Sacred Myths - Chapter 12., Sexual Morality, Copyright © The Academy of Evolutionary Metaphysics, 2005. All rights reserved)
 First, it is easy to see that the sexual behavior of our young has been lowered to the base level of the lower beast and underworld grossness. Recently on the Ophra show a pretty little red head girl was being interviewed on her expulsion form school for performing “Oral Sex” to as many boys as she could on her bus ride to school. This interview was taking place with the little girl's mother in attendance. The girl said the she did not have sex with any on these boy she only gave them “head!’ She was asked where did she get his idea from and responded that, “We get these shows on the www all the time. It is easy to learn how to be sexual with having sex!”  Then there was the female La Cross team that as a regular act preformed oral sex on the men’s basketball team in order to gain extra strength of their testosterone. They told their family and the audience that they got this from the www porn sites!
Today there was an article reporting on what is expected by women and men in their sex world today. The conclusion was that women are moved to be versatile and innovations to attract and that men expect their women to do things that were called “dirty Buzzards” by our mothers and fathers in the not o far past.
Now no one should try to tell others how to satisfy their sexuality in the privacy of their bedrooms. But it is another for our children to get a mind set of the basis sexual acts a person could perform. When adults or parents are asked by their children to provide them a guide in sex maybe they should just say, “Go to the web and then do your own thing.” (Robert M. Stewart, Philosophical Perspectives on Sex and Love [Paperback])
It is crazy to see the bill boards advertising the most converted human female as a “Blonde haired, blue, cherub looking angle,” and in the next panel show her doing something which is truly dirty and degrading. This today is called “just another life style” along with being bi, homo, and heterosexual!!! Without legislating the types of acceptable sex activities, is it not one of the primary duties for the church to describe the cleanness and saintity of the sex act to reproduction and provide human pleasures. Is Sodom and Gomorra a way for civilization to evolve?? Will this violation of any sexual codes in our religious beings persevere our humanity? Further, what are the definitions of sex, love, passion, lust, deviancy, sodomy, bestiality, and what is the normal that we should cultivate in humanity, especially children!
These are delicate and profound questions. But seriously can we allow questions to lead the human condition or should we indulge in the useful debates that must include natural biology of the human carbon base unit, morality and reason? More over this subject is made most difficult because of the intimate involvement of most all humans. They feel such emotions as shame, embarrassment, shyness, timidness, ignorance, and the total spectrum of human emotional stumbling blocks!! At this time the “Gay Movement” is providing the impression that being Gay is nothing more than another normal sexual life style. (Julianne Escobedo Shepherd, Are Homophobes Just Repressing Their Homosexual Desires? New Study Says Yes, Alternet.org, April 2012)  Maybe the church and no one known to man can resolve this issue without the crazies crawling all over society!! But how will it be better to just allow this subject to grow on it's own like topsey?
Dr. J. Alva Scruggs,  BS, MS, MA, EdD
Look Forward to Your Comments
Blog: http://franklyspeaking.info.blogspot.com
Website ; http://franklyspeaking.info

Monday, April 09, 2012


(Unedited/Unabridged 2011)


American and Americans are in for the most dangerous and difficult election season in it’s history. With the establishing of a “Corporation” as a person and endowing them with the same rights as an individual citizen the use of what is labeled Super “PACs” Public Relation agencies are making large amounts of money by using the power of mind control method as used in the selling of automobiles, Hula Hoops, Electronics. PR firm are using all the psychology of humans and the easy accesses to the minds of the citizens stripped the propaganda tools of “Morality” and “Truth” and is able to make a leader out of an empty suit. The weak minded, evil, ignorant, a mentally ill is sold to the American as something more than they are. (Chris Mooney, The Science of Fox News: Why Its Viewers are the Most Misinformed, Alternet.News, April 8, 2012 )

            For example Karl Rove has organized what he calls "The Chamber of Commerce” and using it as a Super PAC to twist truth and sell GOP conservative candidates as super people and make the undeserving a “Jack Armstrong the all American person!”  Reports are that Rove is spending about $600.000.00 dollar per day to support GOP candidates even before the general elections have started.   (Ryan Witt, New DNC ad claims Karl Rove and Chamber of Commerce are stealing democracy,NaTKIONAL Political BZZ, October 10, 2010) These funds are reported as donated by many questionable sources. China, Iran, Pakistan, and etc are said to have contributed millions of dollars to The Camber of Commerce PACs!! (Foreign Money? Really? Democrats peddle an unproven claim., FactCheck.org, Fact Check: Is Foreign Money Behind U.S. Chamber of Commerce Ads?, By JAKE TAPPER (@jaketapper) and DEVIN DWYER (@devindwyer) , Oct. 11, 2010)

            In addition, the PR firms have concluded that Americans should be treated as if they are no smarter than a fifth grader. Americans trying to get information about candidates and issues are deluged with misinformation, lies, spin, and false data. The question is how do American voters determine what is true and what is “Flam?” The organized Churches have succumbed to the greed of money and can no longer be counted on to expose the Immoral and Amoral PRs political ads.

In summary,

·        Corporations are now people,

·        Foreign countries are investing in election American candidates,

·        There is no limit on how much money a PAC can spend on a candidate,

·        PR firma are using the science of psychology which is stripped of morality and truth to influence the American voter,

·        Ther  no such thing as a lie when it is labeled as political,

·        American voters as a group of people no more intelligent than a fifth grader,

·        there is no rule to provide transparency for fund sources in a PAC (e. g. uninformed)!

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs,  BS, MS, MA, EdD
Look Forward to Your Comments
JSCRU5750 (at) AOL.COM

Blog: http://franklyspeaking.info.blogspot.com
Website ;