About Me

Dr. J. (James) Alva Scruggs received a B. S. degree in Chemistry from Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, M. S. in Chemistry from Southern Connecticut State University, M. A./ Degree in Urban Studies from Occidental College, and a Doctorate in Education Administration from the University of Massachusetts.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Goverment garnishes Social Security Check of 80+ year ols father for son's student loans!!

Please after reading this real letter describing the reduction of my SS to collect for an Educational Loan made by my son while In college, a loan that he has not been able to repay due to his ablilty to fInd a study job, send me your comments, support ($$$) and prayers at: Email jscru5750@aol.com or Blog site; www.http://franklyspeaking.info/blogspot.com !

Thank you so much.

The Honorable, William Nelson
United States Senate

The Honorable, President Obama

White House

April 25, 20212

James A. Scruggs

Email: jscru5750@aol.com

Dear Sirs or Madams:

My name is James A. Scruggs. I am retired after working for 43 years, as recorded in my Social Security records. I am trying to get a fair and just action to avoid having my small SS check garnished for loans made by my son in his education!

            I have four daughters and one son all who have graduated from college.  My girls have paid all of their educational loans themselves after graduation. However, my son, who graduated in 2008, has not been able to find regular employment that would enable him to repay his educational loans.

The DOE has thus taken action against my retirement SS income to recover these loans through The Department of Revenuer! I am disabled as certified by my Physician and DOE is presently processing papers to “forgive/discharge” these loans. However, the DOE action of forgiveness is being executed which is about two to three months behind that of the DOR action against my SS. All I am requesting is that the DOR at the least move this May 2012 date to at least August or September to allow the DOE action to forgive to be processed. I am told that only the DOE has the right and power to delay the DOR action in May against my social security check.

I am a law abiding, loyal, honest, hard-working American. I believe in America and educated all my family with the assistance of Government assistance. My daughters and son attended Yale, Brandice, Talladega, Florida A. and M. University. I have received a BS, MS, MA, and Doctorate and attended eight universities. As a Chemist, I am classified as “Top Secret” my Government. I am the only survivor of the first six Black chemist hired by TVA as chemist. The others passed in the execution of their duties making nerve gas, toxic fuel for the B 70, solid rocket fuels and etc. We were hired in our times to be used as the Jews were in Germany-having skills but expandable!! Times were hard but we were loyal to our country! I had to work from Alabama to Niagara Fall NY, to Connecticut, to Philadelphia, to Florida to keep an income for my family! I do not complain – I was one of the lucky ones to live and get a job where I could retired if I lived, and I did live, just barely! I am eighty years and seven months old which is longer than the average age of a Black male American (e. g. 64.6 years)

I beg you, I beseech you, and I employ you for my sake . . .. For the sake of fairness, For God’s sake - - -, to please use all the power of your offices and assist me in this matter by contacting the DOE and have them allow the DOR to delay this devastating deduction in my small SS check!! It is urgent for me!!!           


James A. Scruggs


Department of The Treasury

Financial Management Service


Windham Professionals

Debt Collector



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