About Me

Dr. J. (James) Alva Scruggs received a B. S. degree in Chemistry from Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, M. S. in Chemistry from Southern Connecticut State University, M. A./ Degree in Urban Studies from Occidental College, and a Doctorate in Education Administration from the University of Massachusetts.

Sunday, September 30, 2012



(Unedited/Unabridged 2011)


It’s January 3, 2013 and wouldn'tt you know that Romney is the President of the USA!!. The voter suppression of Obama voters has been successful.

            This day his male brown-skinned servant runs in and says that a Muslin has just exploded a “Fingernail Bomb” in a synagogue in Israel! President Romeny quickly calls the pilot of his personal Air Craft packs his family on board, straps his dog to the fuselage and takes off for parts unknown in the Swiss Alps. But just before taking off he presses the “Red Button” and sends necular(secular) bombs to all known Muslim nations and mosques. (Ann Romney: Biggest Fear Is For Mitt's 'Mental Well-Being' , Reuters,09/28/2012)

Feeling safe from all the infidels he sets on his retreat and looks out at the results of his knee jerk action. He has bombed 2 billion people back to the cover of radio action caves. But the now dead and blotting bodies are feeding the rats and roaches that are carrying filth, disease, and death on their bodies. This eventually moves into the big waters and comes across the oceans to destroy the very nation for which he is the supreme leader.

            And in addition, his dog did not survive the trip on the fuselage of the aircraft!! He is still just a mischief little boy with a no track mind.


Would you like to have Romney or Ryan I with their finger on the Red Button???? Go VOTE as if your very life depended on it!!!!


Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD
Look Forward to Your Comments
JSCRU5750 (at) AOL.COM

Blog: http://franklyspeaking.info.blogspot.com
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Saturday, September 15, 2012




(Unedited/Unabridged 2011)


Nothing is so dangerous, threatening, as the intensity of the ignorance and zealousness in the religions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam today. ( LOLITA C. BALDOR, Yemen Attack: U.S. Marines Arrive In Yemen In Wake Of Embassy Protests, AP, 9/14/12 02,2912) This condition is compounded with the acts being committed by the worshipers of Islam we see in the instilled feeling that they have the task of killing any person or organization that commit any act that may insult their religion the world has the seed of destruction at hand!

            Muslims must   come to understand that there must be millions of Holy Korans in the hands of millions of people. Any one of these people can burn a page and destroy a whole Holy Book with or without the knowledge of the public. In today’s world of technology any person that has a computer can make a “D” rated movie of the Honorable Profit Mohamed. Cavan Sieczkowski, ('Innocence Of Muslims' Shot On Hollywood Set, Film Permit Connected To Christian Charity, The Huffington Post. 09/14/2012) But none of these acts diminish the stature of the Profit nor change one sacred word of the Holy teachings. For Muslins to attack and kill men women and children to avenge this burning of a page in the Koran by some simpleton in Po Donk. USA is below silly. It is barbaric, ignorant and in conflict with the teaching of the creeds of Islam.

            However, even if there is a reason for such a retaliation using violence the enemy must be clearly identified. The enemy of the Muslin nations is the same enemy of the Christians and the US nation in general. The cruel and brutal business of exploitation by vulture, criminal, greedy, amoral, capitalist has become the common oppressor of the world. The US and The Nations of Islam’s enemy is the same Therefore, the enemy of our supposed enemy, Muslim are really our friends. But we cannot be true friends unless we both realize that out enemy is the same.

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs,  BS, MS, MA, EdD

Saturday, September 01, 2012

ROMNEy-RYAN The white mans party will bite you!!!

ROMNEy-RYAN The white mans party will bite you!!!

Fellow Americans-Remember the story about the pretty little corral wounded snake that good people took into their home and nursed it back to health. Then the snake turned around and bites them! Looking surprised the snake said; “You knew I was a snake when you took me home! This is the same with Romney&Ryan. They are snakes now and if we take them home they will turn around and give us a kiss/bite of death!!


Dr. J. Alva Scruggs,  BS, MS, MA, EdD
Look Forward to Your Comments
JSCRU5750 (at) AOL.COM

Blog:  http://franklyspeaking.info.blogspot.com
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