About Me

Dr. J. (James) Alva Scruggs received a B. S. degree in Chemistry from Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, M. S. in Chemistry from Southern Connecticut State University, M. A./ Degree in Urban Studies from Occidental College, and a Doctorate in Education Administration from the University of Massachusetts.

Sunday, October 03, 2010


 (WRITTEN 2010)

Hurray!!! Progressives and Obama have finally started to fire up their base! For a while it looked as though “The Tea Partiers” were going to be the only group with the enthusiasm to make a solid accountable voting group during this 2010election.

This is the year that will test the will of America to take back it’s “Of, by, and for people's Constitutional Agreement/Rights.” It is in our interest to understand what and who has brought America's economy to its knees and dissolved the Middle Class.

It was the effective, efficient skills of the “Baby Boomers” that provided the ultimate support to “Capitalism American Style” that made this economic Institution the challenge to Government. Why is this so?

While Corporations, with the encouragement of Universities and Government, invested in the education and training of the Baby Boomers in their universities and produced the ultimate group of single-minded educated support to the already wealthy business owners. These Baby Boomers became educated slaves and with their skills brought the most focused energy to increasing the “bottom line” with no holds barred tactics. The University Business School Curriculums instilled in the students that “Capitalism is strictly an institution to make money by any means necessary!” Deliberately left out were the ethics and morals that make the Institution of Economics/Business useful to the healthy growth of a human society? What was noticeably left unattended in the curriculum of The Business Schools were courses of Ethics, philosophy, Sociology and the value of humans in the objectives of a healthy thriving business? Greed was placed above Charity! “Collateral Damage” was taught to be an accepted part of doing business. Thus, we see The Banking Industry, BP, Exxon/Mobile, AIG, and Wall Street doing business on the dead bodies of the public. The Congressional Hearings demonstrated how little CEOs understood the cruel and criminal acts they were committing on the public. Tobacco was killing 400,000 people per year. BP killed at the least eleven people in the Gulf Oil Disaster, etc!

The objective of increasing the bottom line was always to produce a product with the least investment of labor and sell to the markets of highest return. This is why America's plants and its functions were “Shipped-Outsourced” to third world countries where the lowest paid existed and then back to the market where the highest.

Yes, the baby Boomers became the instrument of the demise of their own Economic Class, The Middle Class. They brilliantly and effectively created a bottom line machine, which required the least need for the Middle Class worker. They either sent the jobs overseas to the cheapest labor market or moved the “Service Functions” to the Islands and India!

Then America discovered a yet unspoken fact. America's education system has been turning out graduates that do not have that level of training that make them as highly educated as other nations. America has been for so long happy with the charade that our workers are more knowledgeable than most other countries! America has been deliberately “Dumbing Down” their population to the degree that certain citizens were being provided better education than others. (i. e. Latinos, Native Indians, Blacks less educated than whites) Oh! What a tangled web America has woven. This is why America is seeing the “Tea Party Groups” which contain racist, sexist, homophobes, ignorant, citizens, making such a powerful public imprint and chaos.

In addition, America is about to allow huge amounts of funds to flow into the public education mess. But this is only going to bring more quick fix artist and profiteers out of the woodwork that will make tons of money doing their thing. In the end nothing will change. Until America addresses the problem in its root cause, no matter how painful it is, a remedy cannot be found!

The Social Engineer cannot be The Capitalist. It must be a people institution such as government!

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD

Look Forward to Your Comments


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I agree. History shows that greed and immorality and unethical corporate behavior were here before the boomers and will be here long after they are dead. On the other hand, a bit of ethics in business schools might be helpful, as well as hardheaded regulators in the govt.