About Me

Dr. J. (James) Alva Scruggs received a B. S. degree in Chemistry from Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, M. S. in Chemistry from Southern Connecticut State University, M. A./ Degree in Urban Studies from Occidental College, and a Doctorate in Education Administration from the University of Massachusetts.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

(WRITTEN January 2011)

As the Governor of Florida Elect proceeds to move from a politician, take the peoples “Oath of Office,” to become a “Statesman” and take his place as leader, there are some alternative thoughts that he may consider.

First, we must understand that there are five major important institutions of a civilized society, Family, Religion, Education, Politics, and Economic. Each institution has their inherent characteristics and rules. The most important rule is that the institution will do no harm and includes what humans call “Moral” and social expectations. However, in the institution of Economics (i. e. Capitalism) the characteristic of “Morals” are counter productive to the narrow objective of it’s pure “Greed” of "Profit Making".

Therefore, in Capitalism American Style, pure greed has found morals as a liability. In fact, for the greatest profit, "Capitalism" has always been what is called an “Amoral” institution. American “Capitalism” is more successful, and refined than seen in the history of civilization! It has dropped all pretense of considering those issues such as Moral, social, and humane that are important characteristics to all other institutions in a civilized American Society! Even the loyalty to a particular country is a liability to profit making and has been dropped by American Corporations. This is why American citizens see their jobs going to other nations for lower production expenses/wages to the determent of being “Loyal” to American interest.

Further. American Capitalism has developed into a position so powerful that it has using corruption, propaganda and payola and invaded all other institutions in America! It has by any measure bought our in institution of “Politics/Government” through the financing of a candidates campaign for office. All other institutions must yield their moral character regularly to the pressures of making money to secure all the basic needs of the members of their particular institution. The operational hierarchy of Institutions should logically be (High to Low) Government (Constitutional Laws) followed by but not necessarially in this order,-Family-Religion-Education- and then Economics! Capitalism cannot run the nation!

This is important for our new Governor to know and understand. The skill of Business while it may be helpful/good for his functions, the underlying morality of looking at the needs of the humans and over-all societal development for which government exists far out ranks the business of being profitable in its “Constitutional” tasks. Functions, and Actions.

Moreover, it may be good to realize that the reason our Governor was elected was not so much his campaign affirmations while running for office, as the circumstances of the profound unemployment that citizens are experiencing and attributing to the Democrats. In other, words citizens voted not so much for the candidate but against the condition they were in while Democrats were in charge. They voted nationally against the Democrats wrongly for causing and not improving their lot in the two years they were in office. In addition, the fact that the President is now a Black Man added to the momentum for voting against Democrats.

Governor Elect Scott should consider that the promise to privatize say prisons is not really a good idea. The fixing for our prisons is probably best by reform of procedures and /or psychological conditioning of the “Administration of the Laws” by the enforce personnel. For example, our men and women in uniform must be trained to be less “Us(officers) against Them(citizens)” as they are we are here to protect and reform those that have strayed outside the law for various reasons; those that are more caused by the conditions of the citizens living and psychological problems brought about by undo stressful encounters (e. g. abuse, mental, poverty, survival for family obligations, etc.)!

Next, “Privatization” of prisons is too profit oriented and thus unless for any chance for reform and rehabilitation. As long as the primary objective is to fill the beds of the prison for $30,000 per year the overarching goal will be to get and keep the beds filled.

Then there is the campaign objective of “Contracting and outsourcing.” In this time of extreme unemployment there is little wisdom in putting Public Servants into the street adding further to the roles of the unemployed. There are things the Government can do better but are not good for private profiting making industry. These things may be necessary but not be useful it profiteering and a capitalism bent.

During the fifties and sixties the government invested in things that were not at first start, profit making but needed for the good of the nation. The TVA, CC Camps, Research in Agriculture to mention a few. However, they finally developed into the many business fertilizer, plastics, computers, machines, etc. These are some of today’s largest profiting making enterprises, as it is lovingly called!

All other Government changes must be viewed with the same prism “is it good for people and does do no harm” before the making of profit is used in the decision-making!! (i. e. immigration, retirement, education, Commerce, Employment, etc.)

It is the time for the giant step from a businessperson to a politician, into a shoes/role of a “StatesPerson” now that you sit in the Governor’s/Peoples Chair!


Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD

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