About Me

Dr. J. (James) Alva Scruggs received a B. S. degree in Chemistry from Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, M. S. in Chemistry from Southern Connecticut State University, M. A./ Degree in Urban Studies from Occidental College, and a Doctorate in Education Administration from the University of Massachusetts.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


(WRITTEN 2010)


Obama’s State of The Union comprehensively covered most of the ups and downs of America's institutions today. It is clear that in America, if all five of our institutions, which include Family, Religion, Education, Economics, and Politics, are not functioning well, the progress we must expect is not easily achieved.

Of course today America's super powerful institution of Economics/Capitalism has created a destabilizing effect that has threatened to bring down all other institutions. However, there is a common factor that runs through all institutions that can make them good or bad for the common good.

Capitalism is an economic system in which the leades/CEO’s, means of production are privately owned and operated for a private profit. Decisions regarding supply, demand, price, distribution, and investments are made by private actors strictly for the bottom line, profits. To be most effective or most profitable, Capitalism must be totally Amoral. Greedy and owe no Loyalty to a nation or country!!

Since capitalism is the economic system of America, it cannot be run only for the profits of a few. It must be run for the benefit of the many! It mist be required to have some degree of loyalty to nation, morality and ethics. Corporations in America have moved the means of making a living out of the country, which is both an act of disloyalty and does great harm to the general population!! The fact is that 1% of the population has 90% of the wealth and all other institutions are, to a great extent bought and owned by the institution of Capitalism. This includes the institution of Religion! Thereby, comes the today's dirty words of regulations or guides that the Governed must have for their economic institution.

If any institution does not have as a foundation the ingredients of ethics and morals, the ends of their actions will inevitably be a disaster for the greater good, humans.

Therefore, the institution of Religion has a primary role to play in making sure that the “good stays good” and the “bad turns good.” Classically Religion tend to derive morality, ethics, religious laws or a preferred lifestyle from their ideas about the cosmos and human nature. All Institutions of a civilized society must exist for the welfare of its general population and at the least do no harm!

More over, our economic system has been functioning absent the foundation and practice of ethics, profoundly Amoral and are Greedy. It is a “Pure Capitalism System.” This has culminated in the corruption of all other institutions, including Religion to a great extent! Considering that a really good, successful, CEO is the Greediest, most Amoral, disloyal to a country, person, why would Americans vote for one to be the leader of our nation???

For example, the solution to the problem of the earth having a finite recourses and numbers of human beings having an infinite possibility; this issue is probably one that the institution of Religion can address the best! But it is seen that World Capitalist has its own plan for the solution of population at this very time. In their meetings the control of population is a matter of resource control.

Solutions form the money makers will come in the form of genocide, starvation, localizing areas of population extermination, resource environmental pollution. Etc. The solutions must and should have the human consideration of more ethical and moral/humane character.

Hitler and his economic system had their solutions. It included a general Holocaust, selective breeding, harvester of human organs from the targeted subclasses (i. e. eyes, livers, hearts, kidneys, blood and blood products, skin, veins, bones, etc), Feticide, starvation, euthanasia, etc. all were absent of any acceptable levels of Religious or moral and ethical considerations. These solutions will not be outside of the those our economic institution will consider or use! It is called by the clever name of “collateral damage” at the present time!

Of course the solutions pursued by Religion will not be without the facing (Ministering-up, Maning-up, Mother Grizzlying-up) the profound and agonizing issues of what Religions will determine its role in population planning/control to be.

If there is too many bleeding hearts that are too “heavenly bound” there will be no “earthly solutions” fourth coming. But this is the road that will recapture America’s institutions and make them of, by, and for the good of it’s people!

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD

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